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Hey Sunshines! Hows your day? Good. well we have important business to take care of.

Firsts things first, Yes I'm updating soon. Don't you worry your pretty little minds.

Second (more important) news, prompts. I can't decide.

As you guys know I'm going to be writing a original story, blah, blah, blah. The thing is I've come to a cross roads. I have two prompts, both I love, and I don't know which to choose. So I'm going to let the people who are going to read it (hopefully) decide!

So the fist prompt I came up with is called Below, the idea came to me while daydreaming in the shower. Here's the description:

Liz lives in a broken world, divided into two parts. Above and below. Above is were life is normal, but below is different. Below there is no rules, ground, gravity. Sounds fun but isn't. The only rule is to suffer. Watch your family go on without you. Liz thinks it's pretty stupid. She wants to break the system. With the help of the only one above that remembers her, can she escape? Learn of the life of below. Not everything is what it seems below your feet.

I know, I know, "Lin! That sounds super cool!" It actually is I've written a couple of chapters. "How can anything compare?" Well you have too read this next one.

This ones called a Place Called It, this came to me at school, listening to class presentations, someone (Who reads this fanfiction :)) did A Child Called It. The word It hit me like brinks then I had a prologue. Hers the description:

Hello. Before I tell you the tale of Michel (me) and Missy, I'd like you to know, This all started with Hello. Little did I know that saying that little word make my life so complicated. It all started when I was 5 years old and Missy Ro moved in next door. What did I get myself into?


But this is where you guys come in! This is the question of this...chapter I guess. 

Which prompt do you guys like better?

To answer the last one,

Believed it or not, I love to write. "Wow, good one Lin." shhhhhhh. Let me tell you how I discovered my amazing talent. I guess it kind of started in the 2ndish grade. I used to tell my sisters stories when they couldn't sleep, it was easier back then because we liked the same things (and we were little) but I dropped that because nothing I did was good enough. I rediscovered my love for stories in the 7th grade when my English teacher gave us the assignment to write a short story. I chose to write a horror story and called it VioleNt. The N is capitalized because on of the characters name was Violet. Basically my main character went to this creepy hotel to met his dad to find out more about his mother. He went through a series of test with ghost to find this girl. Turns out Violet is his sister that his father holds captive because she's dangerous and he was protecting him. He also murdered Violet and his mother. They got away, happily ever after. When I showed my mom, she looked at me and said (Not kidding) "YOU WROTE THIS?" It was such a surprise because with my A.D.H.D. I was never really good at reading and writing for school, but I guess if I let my crazy imagination run free, I'm good. I started reading a lot and eventuality pushed me out of my comfort zone to go public, and look were that got me! 10K reads guys that's amazing, excuse me I think I might cry. Thank you so much guys. I think that one day I might be able to big things with my talent.

Well after that rant you guys might not care, but I really love to draw. I've had my artistic talents ever since I was little, it basically started drawing for my grandma. I would (still do) doodle on all my papers, it helps me concentrate. Not as much as a sob story. Sorry. (but good news I might be able to expand my talents because my dad got me a drawing tablet, YAY) 

One more thing, before I go. Just because I have A.D.H.D. does not mean I'm a bad student. I'm an all A's student thank you! I have to try really hard and keep my self under control, but I make my parents proud, it wasn't always like this though, I used to be horrible at everything. Just know with hard work comes rewards.

OK I'm done, I'm sorry if you thought this was a long chapter I just really need to know which one you guys like better, and I didn't know that my answer would be that long. Thanks for listening anyway.

Vote/ comment/ whatnot

Love ya, Sunshines! Have an amazing day.


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