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"I can't wait!" Liam said and signed. This have gotten a lot easier after he learned to speak, even though he talks weird.

"Me neither." Essie said as they strolled down the streets.

"I wonder what mom and dad got us!" Liam said as he turned to face her. They walked down the streets of New Rome towards their mom and dad's shop.

"Gosh me too. I hope it's not as bad as last year." Essie said and signed back, half heartedly joking. She had a lot on her mind. Today was their 14 birthday. Also some saytr told her she smelled like demigod. She was pretty sure she wasn't though, both her parents were defiantly her parents.

"Yea defiantly!" Liam said. "Everything ok?" Essie was about to answer when she heard,

"Hey guys!" said a voice coming behind her, She turned to see Bobby, Annabeth and Percy's son standing with Amy, Piper and Jason's daughter. Liam kept walking of course he didn't hear, sense he's deaf, but Essie pulled him back.

Liam turned. "Oh, hey!"

"Hi." Amy said, she was a year younger with brown hair and electric blue eyes. "What's up?"

"Nothing much." Essie said giving her a hug.

"Happy birthday." Bobby signed and said so Liam could understand. Bobby was 18 with curly blonde hair and sea green eyes.

"Thanks." Essie giggled. Bobby made her heart skip beats. "where's your sister?"

"Zoe? she's on her way, we planned a little lunch for you, if you don't mind." Zoe was their age, She has long black hair and intimidating grey eyes.

"What?" Liam whispered in Essie's ear as they walked to the table.

"Zoe's on her way."

"What about Charlie?" Liam asked.

"My brother?" Amy said. Charlie was 16 with shirt cut blonde hair and eyes that seemed to change colors. "He said he couldn't make it, he's sorry though, has stuff to do."

Essie nodded.

"Hey guys you finally made it!" Said Marie who was saving them a table. She was also a year younger than them, With dark skin and curly black hair. She was Frank and Hazel's daughter.

"Yup." Bobby said running his hands through his hair. Essie's heart did a small tap dance.

"Well I ordered chocolate and brownies for everyone." Marie said smiling. Liam looked down, they forgot to sign again.

Essie's mom always said to look out for him. He used to be bullied a lot in school, which wasn't fair. Essie made it stop. She put his hands on the table and morse coded it to him, something their dad taught them. Liam felt the vibrations, their own little way to communicate.

- •••• •- -• -•- ••• thanks he typed back.

The waitress brought out their food, they sung and signed happy birthday and chatted happily.

Essie looked out into the distance, she saw Festus who sat outside of the garage. Which made her think of her parents again, and the thing about her 'smelling' like a demigod.

"You okay?" Someone asked. she turned and saw Zoe smiling at her.

"Oh, yeah. Perfect!" Essie lied. "Just thinking about what gift my parents might of gotten me."

"Ha, ha. Don't you wish you had my dad? He makes waves for me to surf on for my birthday."

"Yeah, well not all of our parents saved the world." She came back with.

"That doesn't matter." Zoe said. "what do you think they got you."

"This time I'm not sure." Essie said.

"What are you two talking about." Bobby asked.

"Her birthday present, and how dad gets me better presents, and how he saved the world." Zoe said.

"Everything basically." Essie said. Bobby bit his lip, which was the cutest thing ever. "What?"

"Uh, nothing not my thing to tell." He said waving it off. Essie didn't know what he was talking about. She looked at her brother who started at these to people who were talking.

He does this all the time. She swears that he will stare at something that makes noise like the longer he stares at it, it will start making noises. It won't work, she wanted to scream at him, I've tried.

She remembered those years were he couldn't communicate and so she tried to stare at him to make him make noise.

She tapped his shoulder and he jolted. He turned her way and she asked. "what do you think they'll get us?"

"Oh I don't know. It's unpredictable!" Liam said. He looked at Zoe who was engaged in a conversation with her brother on one of their favorite arguments, why surfing is/is not better than books.

You like her don't you? she signed.

No. he signed back.

You do. Essie signed smiling. I think she like you.

Yea it's real easy to like the deaf guy. he's so attracting and good looking! he sarcastically signed back

"What are you two talking about?" Amy asked, stopping her conversation with Marie about chocolate.

"Oh..." Essie started. Liam stared hard at her. She quickly signed her question.

"Just about how we should get home soon." Liam said.

"We should go too Zoe." Bobby said. He got up and ruffled Essie's curly hair and Liam's straight hair. "Happy birthday." Zoe gave Essie a hug and an awkward one to Liam.

"I should go too." Amy and Marie said at the same time. They giggled. They shook hands with Liam and hugged Essie. "bye!" they both waved.

"Let's go see what surprise awaits us at home."

Man this was so fun to write. Essie and Liam are fun characters to write about. We are going to follow this fun families life for a while!

To answer last chapters question,

I've been to lots of weddings, though I'm to young to drink (lol even if I would drink alcohol smells gross and well it's caused problems when...never mind) I have a lot of fun.

This chapters question,

What's your favorite game? (board game, video game, ect.)


Love ya sunshines!


P.s. that was actual morse code, yes I understand it and can type it. It's a talent if mine!

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