Double Nuggets

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Previously on Journey To My Past…

"Alex… If you trust me then you would... Open Your Eyes.. " -Lloyd Garmadon
Lloyd's Pov
Alex slowly opened her eyes. She gasped in amazement. "This is beautiful!" Alex said in excitement. I chuckled. "Told ya!" I said. Alex smiled. I smiled back. We flew across Ninjago. I saw Ronin stealing a kid's lollipop so I flew by him and he flew to the trash can. Alex started laughing so hard. She almost fell. Kids cheered. Ronin was shouting at me. I flipped him off.

"Do you want to get some candy?" I asked Alex. Alex's eyes went wide. "It's still morning. You know Jay said that I'm not allowed to have candy in the morning... Since I.. Went overboard." Alex said.

What Alex means is that one morning me and Alex went snooping in Jay's room. And found candy so me and her ate them. We had a sugar rush. It was soooooooooooo bad!

Jay found out and started yelling at me because it's my job to watch her. Until Alex vomited all over on Jay. It was disgusting but funny. Kai got it on tape.

I smirked evilly. "He dosen't have to know." I said. Alex smirked evilly stupidly. "Ok! Let's go!" Alex said. I flew the dragon to the Candy Shop. Once we landed. Alex jumped off and ran to the shop.

"Hi Alex, hey Lloyd. What can I get my favorite customers?" The cashier Nick said. Alex smiled. I smiled back. "Hi Nick. Just the regular." I said. Nick nodded. Alex sat down next to me.

"So how are feeling Ok... About you know… Your dad?" Alex asked. Why would she asked me that?… Dose she think that I'm thinking about him right now?… I nodded my head. "I'm fine." I said.. Fake smiling.

Alex smiled and nodded. Nick came with the Candy. "Thanks Nick." Alex and I said. Nick nodded. "Np it's on the house." Nick said. "Thanks!" Alex and I said.

Alex and I got back on the dragon and left home before anyone notices that were gone. "Thanks for the candy Lloyd." Alex said. I nodded. "No problem." I said.

"We better hurry before everyone wakes up." Alex said. I nodded. "Yeah. We don't want to hear Jay's whining." I said. Alex snickered. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! DON'T GO OFF WITHOUT PERMISSIOOOON!" Alex yelled acting like Jay. I laughed. She sounds just like Jay.

We landed the dragon home. Our dragons splited apart. Me and Alex ran to the house. "You think everyone is still asleep?" Alex asked. "No. We're awake sweetheart." A voice said. Alex and I turned around and saw... Kai... Jay.... Cole… Nya… Skylor… Wu… My Mom… Zane… and Pixal… They were all frowning at us.

Alex did her nervous laugh. And waved awkwardly. "H-Hi..." Alex said. "How's life?" I asked. Kai frowned. "Your in big trouble Walker... And Garmadon." Kai said...

Oh... Double Nuggets
Sorry for short chapter! Spongebob was over real quick! So my brother kept grabbing my phone until I hid in the bathroom... Lol. Don't judge only way to be free.

Uh oh Alex and Lloyd are in serious trouble. What's gonna happen next? Find out in next chapter! More will be published later on today. Bye!
-Nae Nae

Journey To My Past {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now