I'll Never Let Her Down

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Previously on Journey To My Past...

"Miss me?"... -Garmadon
"Dad!?"... -Lloyd Garmadon
Lloyd's Pov
I couldn't believe my eyes!!! "Dad!?" I asked. Dad grinned. "Hi son. I'm sorry that I scared you son." Dad said. I was still shocked. I started to cry. "D-Dad?... It's you! Your alive!" I yelled. I ran to him and hugged him. Dad then laughed "What's so funny?" I asked.

"How dumb are you?" Dad asked. I let go of dad. "W-What?" I asked. "Miss me?... Lloydie?" Dad asked. Ok only one person calls me that... 'Lloyd'!

"It's you!!" I growled. "Oh so you don't miss me?" 'Lloyd' asked. I punched him. "It was you who hit Alex!" I growled. "Oh you finally figured it out!" 'Lloyd' said.

"Oh by the way.... Alex is kinda cute... Maybe she would want to be mine." 'Lloyd' said. I shot him with my energy ball. He hit his head on the tree. I grabbed him by the collar. "Don't you think about touching her! Touch her or hurt her... I'll kill you!" I warned.

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