Jayline Alex Snow Lilly Walker Part: 2

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Lloyd's POV
Kai threw a fire ball at me. I ducked and it hit the wall. I threw a energy ball at Kai. Kai got hit and fell. Alex gasped, her cheeks flushed with coldness. I looked at Alex, her eyes were staring right at me. She looked away, I could of sworn I saw her blush.

Kai kicked my face, my nose started to bleed. I grabbed Kai's collar. I shot a energy ball at him, Hus lip was bleeding. Me and Kai went on and off, he punched I kicked, I kicked he punched. "IF YOU EVER LAY A HAND ON JAYLINE AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU! GOT IT?" I yelled at Kai.

Kai smirked. Just then Wu came in, pulling me away from Kai. "What are you doing?!" Wu yelled. "He hurt Alex so... I kill." I said. I looked at Alex and she looked as if she might throw up.

"Alex, are you OK?" I asked. She shook her head. "I feel dizzy." Alex said. I stared at her, my arms longed for her. My eyes stared at her beauty, I love her freckles. She's so beautiful in a little girl way.

I can be myself around her, that's what I like about being her friend. I walked up to Alex, I cupped her cheek. Alex's eyes sparkled, beautiful... Beautiful... Beautiful... Beautiful... Alex squeezed her arms, showing off her pale, light snow skinned arms.

Jayline is beautiful in her way, she's everything a guy truly wants. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "In love much Lloyd?" Kai asked. I growled. "Shut up Kai." I said kicking his leg.

"Lloyd. Don't." Wu warned, I sighed then nodded. Zane came in and took Kai somewhere else. Good, I was about to kill him. Alex... My short little friend. 6'4 actually. I'm 6'6. So yeah she's short. Alex threw her arms around me, she was sobbing a little. "You dumbass, you could if gotten hurt." Alex said. I chuckled. "But I didn't." I said.

Our noses were close together. I could feel Alex's Warm, breath on my cheeks. She looks like a little girl. Just then Alex and I got electrocuted. By green lightning.

Alex and I screamed, the glass broke. Then it stopped. I looked up and saw... Alex, she was pale. Her eyes nothing but white. Her hair was flying. It was like she was bring possessed. She lifted her head slowly, and sharp teeth were out. She said in a raspy voice.

"I love you for so many reasons, big and small. And all if them are wonderful. I love you for all the special qualities that make you one of a kind... The only one in the world for me... I love you for the things you do. That bring such special meaning in my life. I love you for the silent times, when your eyes and arms tell me all I want to know. I love you, just because I do. Because now, in the deepest part of my heart... A place where there was nothing before, there is love." Alex said then she fainted. "Alex!" I yelled.

But then I felt dizzy... I fainted too. I could hear Wu calling me. As I closed my eyes... I saw A Beautiful girls face.... I don't know why but it was...

Jayline Alex Snow Lilly Walker...

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