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Alex's Pov
"What do you mean no powers?!" I asked/yelled at Zane. "I don't know Lloyd found you passed out." Zane said. Wait did he just say... Lloyd? Lloyd's suppose to be... Asleep... Right?... "What do You mean Lloyd found me? He's suppose to be asleep!" I said. "And your suppose to be resting." A voice said. Zane and I turned our heads and saw... Cole. He was at the doorway standing there. "Cole, please leave. Alex needs rest." Zane asked.

Cole looked at me... Staring at me... Kai came. He put a hand on Cole's shoulder. "Cole... Don't." Jay said. Cole glared at the floor then left, slammed the door. "What was that about?" I asked. Jay shrugged. "I don't know." Jay said.

Zane then stabbed a needle on my arm. "What was th-that?" I asked afraid. "A needle." Zane said. "Why?" Zane asked. Just then Kai came. "Are you afraid of needles too?" Kai snickered. Zane turned his head. "Keep your mouth shut." Zane said.

I started to feel weird... Dizzy. "Uh... Zane?... I'm feeling dizzy... Is that suppose to happen?" I asked. Zane nodded. "Yes." Zane said. "Why did you give me a shot?" I asked. "You'll see." Kai said.

"YOU'RE STILL HERE!? GO AWAY!!!" Jay yelled. Kai rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Kai said leaving. I then collapsed on my bed. "Don't worry sis, you'll be Ok." Jay said. Then I fell asleep.

Meanwhile with Lloydie....

Lloyd's Pov
I'm worried about Alex. I kept walking around in circles. "Lloyd calm down. Alex is fine." Kai said. I ignored him. She's not fine... He did not see what I saw... He wasn't there... Was he?... Hell no... I was... Not him... Me... I'm not talking to Kai... That bastard... Just then Zane came. "Is she ok? Is she hurt? Dose she need CPR!?" I asked. Zane covered my mouth. "She's fine. She just needs to rest." Zane said. I nodded.

"I'm going to take a walk." I said. I went outside. I ran to where I saw Her... Suffer...

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