I'm In

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Alex's POV
I woke up, in a small wooden house. A... Newborn asleep in his crib, he had blonde hair, light gem green eyes, and a smile that made my heart warm up... Just like how Lloyd's heart did when he smiled at me when we first met...

I looked at his crib, it had a name. Lloyd Monty Garmadon... I gasped, this is Lloyd but as a baby. The baby smiled at me, I smiled back. I took his hand, I kissed his hand. I saw the door open I panicked.

I hid behind some boxes in Lloyd's room. A young... Twenty year old man was standing in Lloyd's room. Dark brown hair, red blood eyes, young and muscular... Kinda. I gasped when I saw his robe.

It was Garmadon... He smiled at his son as he laughed. Garmadon picked Lloyd up, hugging his son. A laughter went around the room, Garmadon held Lloyd tighter. A man, black hair in a robe smirked at Garmadon.

Clouse. "What are you doing here?" Garmadon asked, Clouse scoffed. "To see him, duh." Clouse said, Garmadon's hands on Lloyd's head was still there. "No. Stay away." Garmadon said, Clouse laughed.

"You can't protect him from his destiny... On defeating you once he's what?... Twelve? Thirteen?" Clouse asked, Garmadon growled. "Shut up." Garmadon said, Lloyd was sucking on his thumb.

I saw a shadow hit the boxes next to me, I gasped... Garmadon and Clouse couldn't hear or see me... Thank goodness. I turned to find who that was.... It was standing in the middle of their kitchen. It was... Lloyd...

He saw me, his eyes widen and he ran. Shoot. I followed him, where was he going. "Lloyd!" I yelled, he kept running. "Leave me alone!" Lloyd yelled. "I'm sorry, come back!" I yelled, a portal appeared when Lloyd came outside, he jumped in.

I looked at the portal, then Lloyd's old home. I took a deep breath... Don't know where I'm going but... I jumped in the portal...

I watched as the portal turned into red, and green. I saw Lloyd, he went into another portal and disappeared. I know that I'm might get in trouble for whatever I go... But if it means getting Lloyd back then...

I'm In...

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