Journey To Lloyd's Past

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Alex's POV
I clutched the paper, I ripped it in half. "Lloyd has Lloyd." I said, I looked at Jay. Tears were down my cheeks. "He wants me to save him, I have to go alone." I said, Jay shook his head. "I won't allow that." Jay said, I sighed. "Jay, Lloyd is trapped in his past. He needs to be free. And only I can because... I don't know why but only I have to go." I said.

Jay nodded, I ran upstairs to get dressed. I tied my hair into a ponytail, my bangs covering my eyes. My ninja GI, my sword Ruelle. I grabbed some knifes too, just in case. I ran back downstairs.

"Wait?... How do you make a portal?" Zane asked, I chuckled. "Oh don't worry, Lloyd's not stupid. I'm sure he left it open for me." I said, Zane nodded. We all went to the forest, It was nearly sunrise.

I said my goodbyes. Jay pulled me in a hug, I hugged him back burying my head into his shoulder. "Whatever happens... I love you." Jay said, a tear rolled down Jay's cheek. I kissed his forehead, smiling. "I love you too." I said.

And just like that the portal opened again, it was green... I took a deep breath. I looked at my family, I might not see them again... But Lloyd needs to be saved... I smiled at them, they smiled back a sad smile.

I stepped in the portal... Ready to face the danger... Ready to face anything... This isn't that bad... It's just a... Journey To Lloyd's Past...

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