I Never Met To Hurt You

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Alex's Pov
I couldn't stop sobbing. I did what had to be done. I'm sorry Monty... I had to do it... If Monty hates me now, then maybe I'll never have to hurt him in the future. I love him... But he can't know that. He's my best friend... And I lost him... Monty... I won't be able to call you Monty anymore... Only in my head...

Nya walked in my room... Or... The room... "Alex. Why are you crying?" Nya asked. "I did what was right even if it met hurt him." I said. "Who?" Nya asked. I shook my head. "You'll find out on your own." I said.

Nya shrugged. I sighed. "Uh, I'll leave you alone." Nya said. She locked my or the door. I stared at my picture on my nightstand. Me and Lloyd... Best friends.

I grabbed my phone. The phone was ringing, finally she answered.



"Lilly, what's wrong? You sound like you're crying!"

"I am. Mom I have a huge problem! I thought I did the right thing, but I didn't!"

"OK. Calm down baby come over and we can talk about it."

"O-Ok. I'm on my way."

"I love you Alex."

"I love you to mom."

Then I hung up.

I grabbed my sweater, ear buds, phone, and I ran out the front door and rode Sparky to Mom and dad's. Once I got there, I opened the door. I saw mom folding her clothes. I couldn't breath, I was gasping for air. It was like... Half Of My Heart Left, When Lloyd Left...

Mom saw me and putted her basket on the floor. I was still gasping. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Jayline, baby what's wrong?" Mom asked. I snapped.

"Mom!" I yelled. I ran to mom and started to cry in her arms. I was gasping as I was crying. I don't breath when I cry, I let my tears out then take deep breaths.

"Jayline? What happened?" Mom asked. "Mommy! I'm a terrible person! I hate myself! I messed up!" I yelled in tears. Mom rocked me while I cried. "There there Alex, it's OK. Don't cry." Mom said. "No it's not! I'm so terrible! I wish I were dead! I deserve it!" I yelled. Mom gasped.

"Jayline! You are not a terrible person! Don't you ever wish that
you were dead! You don't deserve it!" Mom yelled. If only she knew... I couldn't stop crying. Dad walked in with some groceries.

When he saw me crying, Dad's face was red, he clutched his fists. "DID COLE DO THIS!?" Dad asked. Mom shook her head. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF COLE DID THIS HE'S GOING TO NEED CRUNCHES TO WALK! I'LL KILL HIM! NO ONE BREAKS MY BABY GIRL'S HEART ON MY WATCH! HELL NO! WHERE'S THAT ASSHOLE!?" Dad yelled.

I ran to dad, and threw my arms around him. "DADDY!!" I yelled. I wouldn't stop crying. Dad was holding me. "Little Lilly. What's wrong?" Dad asked. I sniffed. "I messed up. Daddy... I messed up." I said. Daddy looked confused.

Daddy looked at me in the eyes. "What did you do wrong?" Daddy asked. I felt dizzy... My head was hurting... I was losing balance... "Alex. You look pale, are you OK?" Daddy asked. Mom slapped his arm. "Her skin is pale Ed! Pale as Snow!" Mom yelled.

"I know Edna! I mean she looks too pale!" Daddy said. Mom sighed. "Honey, tell us what you did wrong." Mom said. I was fainting... My mouth was dry, throat was dry too... "Lloyd - .." I said.

I fainted, I fell. "ALEX!" Mom yelled. "Jayline!" Dad yelled. Before I drifted to the darkness I saw daddy caught me. Then I drifted to nothing but Darkness. "I Never Met To Hurt You...."

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