Goodbye Lexy

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Alex's POV
I woke up in a room, green room. With posters of candy, and toys all over the room. I saw a three year old. Coloring on the walls. Blonde hair, green gem eyes, black hoodie... Lloyd... "I'm going to be just like daddy! Evil! Fear me! For I am Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon!!" Lloyd yelled, I giggled he looks sooo cute!

Misako opened the door, seeing Lloyd. "Lloyd! What are you doing?" Misako asked, Lloyd dropped his crayons. "Mom, I'm just coloring." Lloyd said. Misako put a hand in her hip. Lloyd gulped, I heard a gasp. I turned my head... It was Lloyd again.

He looked at me, my eyes widened. I didn't know what to do... He walked up to me, I warped my arms around his neck... But all I felt was air, I looked up... It was Lloyd... But... I gasped... He smiled sadly, nodded.

"Your trap in your memories..." I said, Lloyd sighed. It was true... "Monty..." I said, Lloyd put his fingers on his lips, he pointed behind me. I looked, Lloyd standing next to me.

Three year old Lloyd looked mad, I missed half of it. "It's not my fault I like being evil!" Lloyd yelled, Misako's cheeks were flushed with pink. "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, don't talk to me like that." Misako said, Lloyd looked like as if he might cry. "Or what? You'll throw me out of the house too? Like you did to dad!" Lloyd yelled. Misako gasped, I did too.

I looked at Lloyd, he was crying. I looked back at three year old Lloyd, he was angry. A year rolled off Misako's cheek. She didn't say anything, she left Lloyd's room.

Lloyd shut his door. He threw his backpack, his shoes, his crayons. He was having a melt down. I looked back at Lloyd, he was lowering his head down in shame. I looked back at three year old Lloyd. "I HATE MY LIFE!!!" Lloyd yelled.

I hate myself for that... I still regret it...

You were only three...

I know... But I made my mother cry... Lexy, you can't take that back.... Ever.

Lloyd, you have to let go... That's the only way for you to be free... The only way for me to free you...

Bye Lexy...

Wait... What?!

I looked around and saw Lloyd, he was running at another portal... Blue. I ran after him, looking back at the three year old Lloyd I sighed. I jumped in the portal. I lost Lloyd, once I jumped in the portal, I looked for which way Lloyd went... None had names... Except one, I gasped. My heart pounded.

But I still went in, thinking why it said...

Goodbye Lexy...
Hoped you like it LloydFan 😃

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