My Powers

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Alex's Pov
As I woke up I found myself in bed... What? How?... What the heck... Just then Zane came in. I saw clipboards, markers, x rays, computers, what's going on here?...

Zane looked at me and smiled. "Hi Alex I got some good and bad news." Zane said. I nodded. Zane took a deep breath. Just then Jay came. "SHSJDJDFHG!!! RHDHDHG!" Jay screamed. Cole ran in here.
"Sorry this on is having a melt down about Alex." Cole said. Zane nodded and they both left.  "The good news is that your alive... The has news is..

You lost your lightning powers...

WHAT!? AHHHH!!! My Powers!!!
------------------------------------------------ I'm so sorry for the short chapter @LloydFan but I'm busy. I gotta go. Bye. This chapter sucked. I'm sorry.
-Nae nae

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