Nothing But Trouble

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Previously on Journey To My Past...

"Oh.... Double Nuggets..." -Lloyd Garmadon
......................................................No one's Pov
Alex and Lloyd looked at each other in fear. They both knew they were in big trouble. Kai and Jay glared at both of them. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! DON'T GO OFF WITHOUT PERMISSIOOOON!" Jay yelled.

Alex and Lloyd snickered then they started to bust up laughing. "AHHAHAHA!" Alex and Lloyd laughed. Jay frowned. "What's so funny?!" Jay asked. Alex and Lloyd shut their mouth after that.

"Nothing." Alex and Lloyd said quickly. "Lloyd Monty Garmadon how could you leave the house without letting me know." Misako scolded. Lloyd lowered his head in shame. 

"I'm sorry mommy." Lloyd said. Alex snickered. Lloyd cleared his throat. Alex quickly shut her mouth. "Jayline Snow Alex Lily Walker. Did I or didn't I tell you Not  to leave the house without permission?" Jay asked. "Yeah. And I just disobeyed." Alex said shrugging.

Lloyd started to laugh. Alex was being a smart mouth again. Alex has a long name huh?... Jay frowned. "Alex! What's in your mouth?" Jay asked. Alex's and Lloyd's eyes went wide.

"Nothing!" Alex said. "Open." Jay said. Alex swallowed and then opened. "Oh. I thought you had something in your mouth. Sorry." Jay said.

"Did you just swallow your gum?!" Lloyd whispered yelled at Alex. Alex was coughing and nodded. "I had no choice." Alex said. Lloyd rolled his eyes. "You could of hid it under your tongue!" Lloyd said. "I knew that…" Alex said. "No you didn't." Lloyd said.

"No I didn't." Alex said. "You two are in some serious trouble!" Wu said. "Grounded for two weeks. No video games. No comic books. No candy. No waffles. No music. No TV. No phones. No computers. No tablets. No group chat. No snapchat. No instergram. No nothing!" Misako and Jay said.

Lloyd and Alex couldn't believe their ears! Are seriously being grounded and putting in jail? "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Alex and Lloyd asked. "No. Go to your rooms now!" Wu ordered.

Alex and Lloyd blinked a couple of times confused. "What rooms?" Alex asked. "What do you mean?" Kai asked. "Lloyd and I share a room. You guys know that!" Alex said. Lloyd nodded. Jay growled. "FINE! GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" Kai yelled.

"Bye Felicia!" Alex said. "See you later!" Lloyd said. Alex and Lloyd ran upstairs. "They're always getting into trouble!" Jay complained. Kai nodded in agreement. "They're best friends we can't do anything." Zane said. "I guess your right." Kai said. Misako took a deep breath a

"All we can say is that them two are... Nothing But Trouble..."

Journey To My Past {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now