My Best Friend

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Lloyd's POV
I woke up and groaned. My head was pounding. I looked at the clock. It was 6:43 in the morning. I looked around. I was back in Alex's and my room. I saw Alex, she wasn't asleep. She was crying, she was in the dark corner. Why is she crying? Is she OK? I walked up to Alex. "Lexy, are you OK?" I asked. She stopped crying when she heard my voice.

"L-Lloyd?" Alex asked. "Yeah. Why are you crying?" I asked. She clutched her shirt even more. "If I told you it could... Ruin our friendship..." Alex said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. She shooked her head. "I can't tell you." Alex says. I flinched. I felt my heart froze, she can't tell me... But we tell each other everything... That hurt me, I just pretend that it didn't.

"Why not?" I asked. Alex looked up at me. "It'll ruin everything." Alex said, sinking her head into her knees. I tries to hug her but she flinched away. She doesn't want me to be around her?... She doesn't want me to touch her?.. I felt in pain...

"Alex. Please I'm here for you." I said. Alex took a deep, quivery, nervous, regret breath. She looked right at me in the eyes. "That's the problem." She said. I froze. What did she just say?...

"A-Alex, what are you talking about?" I asked. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "You're my problem. I can't ever deal with my problems because... You. Always. Deal. With. Them. For. Me. I can't ever grow up if you're always here for me." Alex said.

"What a-are you t-trying to say?" I asked. Alex looked at me in the eyes again, tears rolling down her cheeks still. "I don't want you with me anymore." Alex said. My heart broke, I felt paralyzed. "W-What?" I asked in a whisper. "I don't want to be your damn friend anymore Lloyd. Our friendship is over. Don't talk to me ever again." Alex said.

I couldn't breath. "My Dad wouldn't want this Alex." I said. "Damnit Lloyd! Your dad is dead! He died! Get that in your head! He's gone! He's not coming back!" Alex yelled. I gasped. She....

"FINE! DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME EVER AGAIN!!!" I yelled and ran out the room. I ran outside in the forest and started to cry.

I can't believe it... She ended our friendship... What did I do..
I was just being a good friend...

Jayline Alex Snow Lilly Walker...

Is no longer...


Best Friend...

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