Bad Decision

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Lloyd's POV
As Jay drove us home, I was staring at Alex the whole time. My best friend, I fell in love with her... Damn it. Alex walked in the house and went to Cole's room.

My Heart Is Pounding..
Mine too...
I'm scared... Is this going to kill me?
What Doesn't Kill You Makes Me Stronger...

Just like that Alex was gone. I went to the living room. I sat on the couch on the end. Kai came in. "Hey Lloyd." Kai said. I smiled. "Hey, Kai." I said. "Can I ask you something?" Kai asked. I nodded. "Sure." I said. Kai sat down next to me.

"What's up with you and Alex?" Kai asked. I froze. "Nothing. Why do you ask?" I asked. Kai shrugged. "When you two got home, you and Alex were staring at each other as if you two can read each other minds or something." Kai said.

I smiled, and laughed a fake one. "Don't be crazy Kai. That's not real." I said. Kai nodded. "It's a Element power remember?" Kai asked. Damn it. I thought he forgot.

"Oh yeah. I forgot, but no. Alex and I can't read each other's minds. Come on, don't be crazy." I said. Kai nodded. "But still, you looked at her as if you kissed her and you didn't know what to do." Kai said.

I froze. IS THIS DUDE STALKING ME!? "Ok that's creepy, and no." I said. Kai shook his head. "Your lying about something." Kai said. I nodded. "I'm not going to tell you though." I said. Kai got  mad. "Why not?" Kai asked.

"Cause, I said so." I said. I tried to walk away, but Kai blocked my way. "Kai please move, I have to use the restroom." I said. Kai shook his head. "Your lying, the restroom is behind you." Kai said. I looked behind me. Damn it. I'm stupid.

"Oh uh huh..." I said. Kai frowned. "You can't go no where, until you tell me what's up!" Kai said. Ok now I got mad. "It's none of your business!" I yelled. I pushed Kai. I walked away but Kai ran and grabbed my leg, we both fell.

"Let me go!!!" I yelled. "No! I won't!" Kai yelled. "Why not?" I asked. "I won't be able to protect you!" Kai yelled. "What do you mean?!" I yelled. "What if something happens to Alex! I won't be able to protect you! I couldn't do much when your father died! I won't let you down! I won't fail!" Kai yelled.

I got up. "My dad isn't dead. He's just lost." I said. Kai shook his head. "Lloyd.... Your father is dead. You have to face it. If you like it or not. Your dad is dead." Kai said. I shot a energy ball at him. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"MY DAD ISN'T DEAD! WHY IS EVERYONE TELLING ME THAT! I SAW WHAT I SAW! I KNOW HE'S ALIVE! HE'S JUST LOST!" I yelled. Kai got more mad, he threw a fire ball at me. I dogged, it just hit my sweater's hood.

I looked at Kai. Kai looked at me. "I'M NOT A BABY NO MORE! I'M NOT STUPID!" I yelled. Kai was breathing hard. "Your right. But you can be stupid at times." Kai said. I gasped. Kai's eyes went wide. "KAI!" Wu yelled. I turned.

Everyone was there except Alex and Cole. My heart was pounding. I couldn't breath. "You knew. You guys just didn't say anything!" I yelled. "Lloyd, you father wasn't found..." Nya said. "So he's dead." Kai said. "Shut up Kai." Zane said.

"That doesn't mean he's dead! You guys said it yourself! He wasn't found! So he's just lost! Not dead! Why can't you guys see that?!" I yelled/asked. "WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT YOUR FATHER IS DEAD!?" Kai asked/yelled. I flinched.

"Kai! Shut the hell up!" Nya yelled. I was in tears. "Alex would believe me... She dose believe me... I've told her before..." I said. Everyone stared. I ran for the door. Everyone called my name. They yelled come back. I ignored them, I just ran and ran and ran as fast as my legs would go.

I tripped over a rock and fell. I didn't get up. I just sob my eyes out. My dad isn't dead... I know he isn't... They just think he is... They're wrong... I know they are.... I'm right...

I sat up, my back behind a tree. I looked up the stars, falling asleep .
All the things Kai said that was a....

Bad Decision...

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