Where's Lloyd?

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Jay's POV
I only nodded at what Lloyd said. Love Begins With Friendship... Did I ever see it coming? Maybe, I thought I was just losing my mind! Lloyd walked fast to the front door. I caught up with him, I unlocked the front door, and Lloyd and I walked in. Mom was shocked to see me but she hugged me anyways.

"Jayson! My baby boy! Oh thank goodness you're here!" Mom said. "Why mom?" I asked. Mom sighed. "Your sister came here, crying her eyes out. And then she fainted." Mom said. My eyes went wide. I panicked.

"Where is she? Is she ok? Is she hurt? Mom why did she faint? HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD!?" I asked. "No, but you did." Lloyd said, I punched his arm. He rubbed it.

"Jayson, Jayline is fine. She's in her room asleep. Resting, she has a fever but she'll be ok." Mom said. I sighed, then nodded. "Can I see her then?" I asked. Mom shook her head. "We just got her to sleep. She wouldn't sleep she would just cry and scream." Dad said, walking in the house.

"Hello son." Dad said, smiling. I waved, and smiled. "Hey dad." I said. "I'm sure she'll be ok Jay." Mom said. I nodded, hugging mom. "Call me when she wakes up ok?" I asked. Dad nodded, mom smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Alright Lloyd let's go." I said. Silence. Pause. I looked around, no Lloyd. Mom looked confused as I did, dad looked outside. I took a deep breath.

"Mom?" I asked. Mom looked at me. "Yes baby?" Mom answered. "Dad?" I asked. "Yes Jay?" Dad answered.

Where's Lloyd?...

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