Without You

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It was the end Alex knew it, the clock stricken twelve... Midnight. Alex looked at Lloyd, he was fading away... Tears down his cheeks, mine too. He smiled sadly at me... "I'll Always Be With You..." Lloyd said, Alex shook her head.

"Stay with me a little longer... If I have to, I'll wait for you...." Alex said, Lloyd shook his head. "No. You have a life to live... You have people to take care of... People that care for you... You can't leave them..." Lloyd said.

"I care for you..." Alex whispered... Lloyd nodded, smiled. "I know you do... That's why I have to go..." Lloyd said, Alex kept shaking my head. "No you don't. Please, please, please, please, don't go. Just stay with me... Where you are safe, where I can hold you... I love you..." Alex said, Lloyd nodded.

"I know you do,... I love you too." Lloyd said. The wind was pulling Lloyd away, he was flying, Alex took his arms... Alex was actually touching them... Alex lowered him down to me. He was as shocked as Alex was. "No one can touch visions... People can't touch things that are fake..." Lloyd said, Alex shook her head. "You're real to me." Alex said, Lloyd smiled sadly.

Lloyd put his hand to the side of Alex's face and gently, almost absently, ran his thumb along Alex's cheekbone. When he bent to kiss her, he smelled like salt. Alex clutched the sleeve of Lloyd's hoodie, and the necklace Alex was wearing held between their bodies, flared up in colors of blue and green. It was a slow kiss, and a sad one. When Lloyd drew away, Alex found that somehow she was holding her necklace in her hand alone; Lloyd's hand was gone. The light was a sad blue, with a of white.

Softly Lloyd said, "Je' taime tellement." Alex was confused, she looked at Lloyd. "What dose that mean?" Alex asked, with curious eyes. Lloyd smiled, sadly and confident.

"I love you so much." Lloyd said, Alex smiled. She knew this was the last time she'll ever see her Monty again. "In German?" Alex asked, Lloyd shook his head.

"In French." Lloyd said, Alex smirked. Just like that... Lloyd drifted away... Alex, watching Lloyd go... Cried and cried...

"Please Lloyd... Don't go... I need you... I love you... I can't help but love you... Even though I try not to... I can't help but want you... I know that I'll die....

Without You..."
So sad, I actually cried. Don't judge! And yes, when Lloyd and Alex kissed that whole explanation it is from City of Lost Souls on page 510 when Alec and Magnus kissed cause they broke up.

I hope Cassandra Clare doesn't come and tracks me down... I'M JUST A HUGE FAN!!! DON'T JUDGE!!!

The song War Of Hearts is by Ruelle... She's my idol. She write pretty good songs, check her out on YouTube if course... War Of Hearts is for Malec = Magnus + Alec.

Ruelle... Sound familiar LloydFan ? 😈😈😈

Watch this video!! 👇👇👇

This is where the song is at....

That's it for me today! I'm out!
~Nae Nae

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