What Have You Done Now?

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Alex's POV
As soon as the portal closed I fell on my knees. I groaned, I looked around. Where am I now?... I was outside, the forest... I saw Kai, and Lloyd thirteen year old Lloyd. I sat down on a tree branch... Lloyd was training with Kai. Kai was teaching him how to use his fire powers.

Kai used a fire ball, Lloyd smiled in amazement. "Lloyd, I know this isn't the right time but. I was wondering if... Will you'll accept that your the green ninja?" Kai asked, in a worried voice. Lloyd frowned. "What's that suppose to mean?" Lloyd asked, Kai's eyes widened. "N-Nothing! It's just you've been a little down that you're suppose to become the Green Ninja... Which means, defeating your dad..." Kai said, Lloyd shot a energy ball at a tree, I gasped.

"Your just jealous! You wanted to become the green ninja!" Lloyd yelled, Kai sighed miserably. "Lloyd that's not what I meant! I meant I know how you feel fighting your dad, it's ve-."

"NO YOU DON'T! HOW SHOULD YOU KNOW!? YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A DAD! YOUR DAD IS DEAD!" Lloyd yelled, Kai gasped. Lloyd's eyes widened, Kai backed away, eyes watery. "Kai... I didn't mean to s-."

"Stay away from me... Leave me alone." Kai said, he ran away crying. Lloyd watched as Kai ran away, Lloyd cursed at himself, stabbing some tress with his sword. "I'M SUCH AN IDIOT! I HATE MYSELF! OF COURSE HIS DAD IS ALIVE, JUST LOST! DAMN IT! DAMN IT! DAMN IT!!! I'M SUCH A IDIOT! I WISH I WAS DEAD! EVERYONE WILL BE FINE WITHOUT ME!!" Lloyd yelled, he was sobbing in his arms. He was on the floor now, screaming and crying.

I ran to Lloyd, I grabbed his wrist. "Who are you?" Lloyd asked, I smiled. "Your best friend." I said, I hugged him. I rubbed his back, he was taking shaky breaths. "You're not a idiot, don't hate yourself, I know you put your anger on Kai... It's ok, don't wish to be dead... We need you, without you we are nothing. Stay with me, so I can hold you forever." I said, Lloyd smiled.

He kissed my forehead. "Thank you for setting me free..." Lloyd said, I smiled. "I now know that I'm loved... This whole time I was.." Lloyd said, he disappeared.  

I sighed, I looked at my watch... 9:25pm... My heart was pounding... The room was dark again, I waited... No portal.

I can't let you see this one...

You must, let me help you Lloyd...

Lexy... You might hate me if I do...

I don't care, I'll forgive you..  Lloyd everyone makes mistakes...

Are you sure?...

If it means saving you... Then yes...

Ok, go ahead...

The portal opened, I gasped when I saw it... It was all black..  Oh Monty...

As I jumped in the portal, it kept turning black to green... Which kept me thinking...

What Have You Done Now?...

Journey To My Past {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now