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 Once she reached the dorm, she took a cold shower and wrapped her hair in a bundle with a pale pink towel before lying down on bed to read a book. She had always been a huge fan of Harry Potter. After watching the movies, she decided to turn to the books to know more about Harry Potter.

She is currently in book 3 of the series, which is Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azakaban.

She was so engrossed in the book that she almost missed the buzzing sound from her phone. Placing a bookmark in between the two pages she stopped at, she reached over to her side table to grab her phone.

Baekhyun : U finished the cake?

Taeyeon smiled at his text. It is currently 10 p.m at night, so he probably texted her straight away after he came back from Music Core.

Taeyeon : Yes. It was delish!

Baekhyun : Glad to hear that. i know u r alergic to nuts

Baekhyun : So i picked the strawberry cheese cake instead.

Taeyeon was surprised that he remembers that, she smiled warmly as she typed back a reply and added an emoji at the back that means blessed.

Taeyeon : Thx for being so considerate

Baekhyun : i was the one that have to apologize anyway

Taeyeon : still, thank u :)

Taeyeon chewed on her bottom lip as she wondered if she should ask what was he angry about that day. He seems to be very chill right now, so hopefully he won't shout at her again or ignore her texts.

Taeyeon : Btw...what happened that day? That made you angry?

When he didn't reply her, she started to few nervous. Just when she was about to type an apology, a text popped up.

Baekhyun : Im not in good terms with my mum

Taeyeon : Oh..

Taeyeon : can u tell me what happened?

Baekhyun didn't know the reason behind him being so open with Taeyeon that easily, but he decided to tell her anyway. She has already became someone he trusts in their short amount of time of getting to know each other. He decided to be straightforward with her and stop beating around the bush about his problems. After getting shouted at innocently, she deserved a more detailed explanation.

Baekhyun : I saw my mum that day

Baekhyun : But since she abandoned me after giving birth to me ,

Baekhyun : we aren't even close

Baekhyun : she ignored me like a complete stranger

Baekhyun : and that is how i got angry, because i was thinking a lot about how stupid i was to wait for her to come back

Taeyeon : Oh...im so sorry to hear that

Taeyeon : u deserve a lot better, so don't let her ruin your mood

Taeyeon : there are still a lot of people who cares about u

Taeyeon : i am here for u :)

Baekhyun smiled as he typed back a reply.

Baekhyun : thanks. don't tell anyone about this 

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