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Three weeks later

Things went back as usual. Taeyeon got discharged from the hospital after a few days and she hung out with Krystal ever since, they are inseparable. The evil trio are still together, but Koey became quiet with her insults towards Taeyeon, which also made Elle and Johyun stop bullying her verbally.

Everything went back to normal, except for her situation with Baekhyun. It's like fate finally decided to abandon them, so Taeyeon never bump into him in the hallways anymore. Or Baekhyun is just trying to avoid her so he used the stairs to go up to the practice room. Sometimes Taeyeon use the stairs to see if she can 'accidentally' meet Baekhyun in the stairways, but she never sees him there either. It's like he completely dissapeared.

Just when she thinks that there is no hope in seeing him again, her manager decided to inform her and her members surprising news.

"The company wanted to save their budget as usual, so we are going to celebrate both Taeyeon and Suga from YMBK's birthday together."their manager informed them. "You girls can come too, to show how you all care about Taeyeon a lot."she glanced at Elle and back to Taeyeon. "So are you okay with this Taeyeon?"

"Yeah sure. How many fans are going to be there?"Taeyeon asked.

"Only 50 of yours and 50 of Suga's."her manager replied.

"Oh okay. I'm fine with it."she said, nodding at her.

"Great. I will go and inform the organisers then."the manager said and left the dorm. Krystal put an arm around Taeyeon's shoulder and squeezed her arm encouragingly, happy for her to have a birthday party with her fans.

"Erm...I will attend your birthday party."Koey said, looking at Taeyeon.

"Uh...sure."Taeyeon mumbled and turned back to walk into her room.

"Pfft...why are you even telling her that? She didn't even say a simple thank you."she heard Elle said behind her back.

Taeyeon felt her phone vibrating under her pocket, so she checked her phone to see who has messaged her.

Yoongi sunbae-nim : I just heard from my manager that we are celebrating our birthdays together

Yoongi sunbae-nim : are all of your members going to attend?

Taeyeon : yeah, all of them are coming.

Taeyeon shut the door behind her. She was curious if Baekhyun will show up at the party, so she quickly add another text. 

Taeyeon : hbu? are all of your members coming?

Yoongi sunbae-nim : yes

Yoongi sundae-nim : i know u r just curious whether baekhyun will come ;)

Taeyeon : haha no sunbae


9 March 2017

"Thank you everyone for attending Taeyeon's and Suga's birthday party!!!"the host announced. "Now we are going to move on to the QnA session where we have prepared a few questions to ask your favorite idols."the host continued as he gestured his hand towards the main stage where Suga and Taeyeon are standing.

Taeyeon licked her lips moist because her throat felt dry from all the talking and she urgently needs to gulp down some water. When Suga is answering his first question that were chosen from the questions submitted by his fans, Taeyeon glanced around frantically to see if there is any free water bottles on the stage, but there were none.

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