8-The Homecoming

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The next day, Shane was released from the hospital, and he went home. Before they left, the doctor taught Shane how to use the crutches. Or at least, tried to teach him. Long story short, it involved, a lot of falling and a lot of laughing from everyone but Shane.

They were greeted at the door by an excited Uno.

"Hey baby," greeted Shane in his baby voice. "Did you miss daddy? I missed you, yes I did, yes I did, whoa, Uno- Whah!" Shane said as Uno ran in between his legs, and took his crutches right out from under him. Ryland laughed as Shane struggled to get up.

"Here let me help you up," Ryland said after he stopped laughing, holding out his hand. But Shane, being Shane, decided to get revenge. He grabbed Ryland's hand, but instead of getting up, he laughed as he pulled Ryland down with him.

"It's not funny," Ryland pouted.

"Yes....it....is," Shane said in between laughs. "You...should...have...seen...your..face." he continued as he got up, making his way over to the couch, trying and failing to use the crutches. He eventually just tossed them to the side and hopped one one foot, while Ryland went into the kitchen to make lunch.

"Ryland?" Shane called from the couch.

"Yes my babty?" he called back.

"Well first of all, what's with the 'babty'?" Ryland laughed.

"I just thought that we should have pet names for each other now that we're together," he explained. "Mine for you is either babty or Shaney, depending on my mood. Now you try to come up with one." 

"Ok," Shane said. "Well then, daddy, what are you making?" Ryland laughed.

"Whatever you want babty," he said, and Shane sighed.

"I don't know, how about we just order a pizza? I'm not really hungry for much else." 

"Sounds good to me," said Ryland, taking out his phone. "I don't really feel like cooking anyway. You just want the usual?" he asked, and Shane nodded, so Ryland went into the other room to order.

Shane pulled out his phone, and looked at the comments on his post of his broken leg.

Oh no!

Feel better soon!

Take as much time as you need, we understand!

Shane smiled to himself. He must have the most loving, loyal fans in the whole world. Just then, Ryland came in.

"Well, we have about 20 minutes until the pizza comes," he said, walking up to Shane and placing a kiss on his head. "Watcha looking at?" he asked, and Shane smiled.

"Just reading the comments on my latest post explaining why I didn't upload yesterday. People are so supportive."

"And that surprises you?" Ryland asked, and Shane shrugged. "Well it shouldn't. You need to realize that people do care about you and love you as much as I do." he said, and Shane blushed.

"I love you too." he said, and Ryland climbed over the couch and plopped right down next to him, kissing him softly.

"You wanna watch some conspiracy theory videos?" Ryland asked, and Shane gave him a look. 

"Well duh!" he said, and they laughed. Shane searched up some videos, and they began to watch. Soon, 20 minutes had passed, and they heard a knock at the door. Shane paused the video, and Ryland got up to answer the door.

 When the door was open, Shane heard a gasp, and the sound of a pizza box dropping.

"Ryland?" he heard a voice say, and it sounded like a female to Shane.

"Rachael? Is that you?" he heard Ryland ask, and Shane sprung to his feet. He hopped over, and peeked around the corner. He saw a young girl with brown hair, not unlike the girl Ryland described in his story.

"It's me Ryland," she said, picking up the pizza box. She stepped inside, and walked right on past Ryland, setting the pizza on the counter. Shane ducked down, not wanting to be seen. "And listen, ever since you ran out on our date, I've been thinking about you. I don't care if you ran out on me, I really felt a connection between us! I want to try again."

"Well, Rachael, it's just that I'm-I'm-" Ryland began to explain, probably how he was not only gay, but he was also taken, when Rachael sprung herself on him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight bearhug, forcefully pressing her lips against his, as he fought to get out. Shane had had enough.

He sprung to his feet, hopping quickly over to them, pulling them apart, tossing Rachael to the floor like a rag doll.

"Are you Ok?" he asked Ryland, and he nodded.

"Excuse me, who are you? And what do you think you're doing?" asked Rachael as she got up, brushing herself off.

"I am his boyfriend," said Shane, as Ryland tried to hold him back. "And I would advise you to get out of my house." he said, in such a calm but forceful way, that Rachael looked scared. She gave him an angry look.

"Fine!" she said, picking up the pizza. "But I'm taking this with me!" she said, and she stormed out. Shane really wanted to let her go, but he had already payed for the pizza. He hobbled outside, grabbed the pizza, and when she turned around, he slammed the door in her face. Ryland gave him a knowing look.

"What?" Shane asked. "I'm not letting that bitch take our pizza." he said, and Ryland laughed. 

They took the pizza over to the couch, and turned on a movie. It was Ryland's turn to pick, so they ended up watching a sappy romantic comedy. They fell asleep pretty quickly, cuddling up to each other.

Little did they know, there was someone right outside their window, capturing the whole night....

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