28-The Apartment

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Author's Note: I figured after the "funeral" you deserved an emotional break, so here's an update on your old pal Shane.

After a few days, Shane arrived in Idaho, and was shocked at the lack of activity. Compared to LA, it was very calm. There wasn't any traffic, and barely anyone was walking around. It was just a quiet, nice town.

Perfect to start my new life in, he thought to himself. 

The first thing he did was look at places to stay. He needed a job, and it was hard to get a job without an address. After a long time of looking, he was able to find an apartment for rent that was only $100 per month. He talked to the landlord, and was able to sign the deal. 

When he walked in, it was a very small place, which Shane didn't mind. It had a kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom, and that was all he needed. It even had a Tv in the living room, which was a bonus. As Shane looked around, he thought about how much it reminded him of his childhood home.

After taking a look around, he looked at the clock on his bedside table. 8:30 am, it read, so Shane had plenty of time to get a few things done. 

Firstly, he went to the local phone shop, to get his phone replaced. Miraculously, they were able to transfer all of his old stuff onto his new phone, and for much less than Shane thought. By the time he had paid the company, and paid the down payment for his apartment, Shane still had about $500 dollars left, so he decided to go grocery shopping.

Now Shane had never been to college, but he had heard a lot about what college students ate, so he decided to just pick up a bunch of Cup o' Noodles, and some cups that he could drink water out of. He also picked up 2 shirts that were $5 each, just to have a change of clothing.

By the time he got back to his apartment to drop off his stuff, it was lunchtime, but Shane wasn't hungry, so he left to go and find a job.

It turns out, in a small town, finding actual jobs are pretty hard to do. Shane had had a few jobs in his lifetime, but YouTube had always been his main career. After a while of looking, he ended up passing a Chinese Restaurant that had a small sign in the corner that said:

Dishwasher Wanted
$5 an hour + Free Eggroll a Day

He shrugged, and went inside. He was greeted by a small Chinese woman standing at the counter.

"What would you like to eat today?" She asked, her accent strong.

"Actually I'm here for the job," Shane said, and she smiled.

"Oh yes, of course. Come with me," she said, and he followed her back into the kitchen. They walked back, until Shane saw a sink that was filled with dirty dishes. "You clean these from 9 to 6, and you get your Eggroll at 12. Now clean that pan." she said, and pointed to a pan that had crusted grease on it. 

A little taken aback, Shane turned on the water, pumped some soap into the pan, and began to scrub. After a few minutes, it was clean, so Shane turned the water off, dried it, and turned around to face the woman, who took the pan out of his hand and examined it

"You do good. You've got the job. You start Monday," she said, and put the pan back on the shelf. 

"Really?" Shane asked, shocked at how easy that was.

"Yes," she said, handing him a paper. "Just fill this out."

So Shane grabbed a pen, and filled out the paper, putting in his name, address, phone number, ect. When he was done, he handed the paper back to the lady, and she handed him a card with the restaurant's number on it. He left the restaurant, and left for his apartment. When he got there, he decided to turn on the TV and watch the news.

And of course, the story that happened to be up, was a compilation of fans saying goodbye to their idol, Shane Dawson. For half a second, he wondered why, until he remembered the entire world thought he was dead. Tears began to swim in Shane's eye as he watched.

"He was always there to cheer me up," said one fan.

"He helped me accept myself for who I am," said another.

"He could literally upload a video 2 hours long of him showing us bags of his dog's shit that he collected, and we would watch it." Shane laughed, knowing that was probably true.

After a while, he shut the TV off, and decided to go on his phone, where his social media was filled with #ripshanedawson. He scrolled through the posts, realizing for the first time how loving and loyal his fans were, and began to cry thinking about how much he was messing with their emotions.

After a while, he was mentally and physically exhausted, so he decided to go to sleep. He had just begun to drift off, when his phone dinged, signaling he had a text. He reached for his phone, wondering who was texting him, since he was supposed to be dead, and his eyes widened as he saw who it was.

Author's Note: Ok guys, since this was a bit of a shorter chapter, I decided now would be the perfect time to thank some people and say a few things. 

Firstly, thank you to the following people for always voting and commenting on every chapter, you don't know how amazing that makes me feel. Any author knows that when people vote and comment on their work it helps motivate them to write more, since they know people are actually enjoying their work. 

There are so many people that fit into this category, which is great, but I don't have time to tag everyone, but you know who you are, so thank you. You have no idea how much that makes my day.

Secondly, I would like to take the time to acknowledge the Ghost readers. You know who you are. They're the ones who read the story, know they enjoy it, but never comment, or even vote! That really bugs me, because I can see you're reading the story, you might as well help motivate me.

For those of you that are new to Wattpad, or those who just don't know, after you read a chapter of a story, there's this little bar at the bottom, right?

For those of you that are new to Wattpad, or those who just don't know, after you read a chapter of a story, there's this little bar at the bottom, right?

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(Quick shoutout to @weliveforjaniel this is their Janiel fanfiction. It's called No Body But You, and you should go check it out because we all know the struggle of trying to get people to read your story.)

So if you look, you'll see a star. You can click on that star on every single chapter of a story, and that means you'll have voted on it. If you're a ghost reader who didn't know that, I will let you go back to chapter one, and vote on all the chapters. Thank you.

You can also comment at the end of a story by clicking on that comment button, or if they have paragraphs in their story, you can highlight the text of a paragraph, and comment on just that one paragraph. It's really easy to share your thoughts, and it makes the author feel really good.

Thank you for listening to my little rant, I just thought these things needed to be said. If you have any questions, or just want to talk, feel free to message me. I love you guys, bye!

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