24-The Map

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Shane awoke the next day, arm still throbbing. He was pretty sure it was broken, but he couldn't go to the hospital, because knowing Ryland, he would probably be checking there. He'd just have to wait, for what, he didn't know.

He knew he couldn't stay in the same place for too long, so he decided to just keep moving forward. In a tourist shop, he grabbed a map, so he would at least have an idea of where he was going. According to the map, he could walk about 20 miles until he would reach another small town, and they should have a hospital.

So he began his journey, walking alongside the highway, map in his hand. He got a few funny looks from the cars that were passing  by, but he wasn't paying attention. The only reason he was staring at the cars, was that he was making sure no one he knew was going to see him.

He kept walking for who knows how long, until he came across the small, unnoticed town on his map. He knew he couldn't stay there for long, since Ryland would probably be sending out a search team to look for him everywhere within a 100 mile radius, but it was a new place to spend the night and regain his energy before he had to keep moving the next day, so he found a park bench to stay on, and rested.

Ryland had started driving around again as soon as he had woken up, and was currently going around downtown, trying to find Shane. Every once in awhile he would get out and go around, asking anyone if they had seen Shane, and so far, no luck. He was worried Shane had gotten hurt, and that he was just wandering around with an injury, so he had contacted every hospital in the area, but no sign of Shane.

He ended up calling all of their friends and family, and they promised to look for him too, which made Ryland feel a little bit better. Even though he knew he couldn't search for Shane 24/7, he still felt guilty taking breaks, but knowing other people were looking for Shane too made him feel better.

He also had decided to file a missing persons report, since Shane had been gone for over 24 hours. He stopped by the station, and told them all of the details, and they promised to look into it, so he trusted them, and went back to driving. 

After a few hours of searching, Ryland came to the realization that if Shane didn't want to be found, he probably wouldn't just be hanging out in the middle of town. He wasn't dumb, and when Shane put his mind to something, he did it, no matter what anyone said or did.

After realizing this was pointless, he decided to go home. Uno was waiting for him when he arrived, who was once again disappointed that Shane was not with him. 

Ryland sat down on the couch, turned the TV on, and decided to watch the news. As he had hoped, one of the stories that was on for the night was about Shane.

"In recent news," the news lady said. "Famous internet star Shane Lee Yaw, or as he's known online, Shane Dawson, has disappeared. Police informed us that earlier today, they were informed of Dawson's disappearance, and they have begun the search. This is in fact the second disappearance of a middle aged man this week, the other Preston Scott, who police are also searching for, but they do not believe the disappearances are related. Now for the weather," she said, and since Ryland had no interest in knowing if it would rain that night, he shut it off, and went up to bed.

As he laid in his bed, he fell apart. He had tried to hold it together all day, but he just couldn't handle it anymore, so he laid there, sobbing into his pillow. 

Shane was gone, Ryland didn't know where he was, and he was probably hurt. He had no where to stay, since he left his wallet in the car, and everyone says that he isn't staying with them. Ryland sobbed harder at the thought of his lover sleeping on the streets.

He was helpless. Shane wouldn't let him find him, and he knew it. He couldn't keep searching for him forever, he would have to give up eventually. If Shane ever wanted to come home, he could, but he can't force him to do anything.

It was all his fault. If he hadn't lost his temper with Shane about the burger, he wouldn't have felt the need to get out of his life, and jump out the window. He should have been more considerant.

For the entire night he laid there, sobbing until his eyes were out of tears.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I'm sorry this is getting really sad, and I hate to say that it's gonna get even sadder, but I've figured it all out, don't worry! Anyway, thank you guys so much for getting this story to almost 2k reads, that means a lot! Ok, I don't want to make you guys read a long Author's Note, love you guys, bye!

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