16-The Questions

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It had almost been a month (I know, another time skip, I'm sorry) since Shane had fallen into the coma, and the doctors said he was making great progress. He had moved his pinkie a couple times, and was even able to wiggle his toes once. Ryland had started spending the night, only leaving when he had to get new clothes. But now, the doctors brought Ryland aside, saying they had news.

"By the looks of it," the doctor was telling Ryland, looking at his charts. "he should be waking up within the next day or two, hopefully with only minor lasting damage." Ryland smiled, comforted by the thought that he was only a couple of days away from being able to see Shane. Then, he felt a pit of dread in his stomach, remembering that the reason Shane was in the coma, was because of him. Or at least, to him that was the reason.

So he called Shane's family to let them know the good news, and they promised they would be over as soon as possible. In the mean time, Ryland sat next to Shane, holding his hand as he whispered words of encouragement into his ear.

"Your doing great Shaney. I knew you could do it. I understand if you dump me right on the spot when you wake up," he continued, as he began to cry just thinking about the prospect of Shane leaving him. "Since it's all thanks to me that you're in this mess. Just know that I love you, and would never do anything on purpose to hurt you."

An hour later his family came back, and they all huddled around Shane's bed, watching him.

"This is a little creepy," Jerid, Shane's other brother said. "Don't you think? I mean, we're just staring at him."

"Well what do you think we should do?" asked his mom, and Jerid thought.

"I have an idea!" he said.

"What's that?" his mom asked, and Jerid smiled.

"Well, since the doctors have realized Shane can understand us, why don't we talk to him? Like, two quick breaths means no, and one long one means yes or something. Kinda like an Ouigi " 

"That sounds like a great idea!" Ryland said, eager to find out if Shane was mad or not.

"I'll go first." Shane's mom said. "I'll ask a test question, just so we know he can hear us. Shane, honey, you breath quickly twice for no, and take one deep breath for yes, got that?" she said, and they all went quiet and leaned in. Then, they heard a loud, deep breath come from Shane, and they leaned back, sighing.

"Ok, I'll go next," Jerid said, leaning in. He whispered something into Shane's ear, and Shane immediately breathed twice as fast as possible. "Ok, ok, I get it." Jerid said, laughing. "But I'll get you to do a collab one day." (Quick note, when I was researching, I found out that Jerid has a YouTube channel! Who knew?)

Shane's family continued to ask questions, while Ryland sat in the background. He knew exactly what he wanted to ask, but he also didn't want to ask it in front of his family. They knew he was in a coma because he drank too much alcohol, but they didn't know why, and Ryland wasn't ready to tell them about the fight. Unfortunately, Shane's mom noticed him sitting in the background.

"Ryland honey, why don't you come over here and ask him something?"

"That's ok, I'm fine." he said, and she gave him a look. She seemed to realize why he didn't want to, so she stood up.

"Boys," she said. "Let's give Ryland some privacy." 

They all looked at Ryland, and left, leaving Ryland alone.

"Hey Shane," Ryland said, trying to stall. "So, listen. I know you're probably mad, but I just wanted to ask some questions just in case you have memory problems when you wake up. Is that ok?" he asked, and Shane responded with a long, deep breath. Ryland sighed. "Ok, then here goes."

Shane's POV

Here it is! My chance to finally tell Ryland how I'm not upset! I hear him take a deep breath, and I focus all of my energy on listening.

"So first," he said. "I just wanted to tell you the whole story. Can I do that?" he asks, and I take a deep breath, waiting to see if he understood. "Ok," he said, then proceeded to tell me all about the lipstick video, the kiss, how he got flashbacks of Rachael and went limp, and how he tried to go after me. "And again, I'm really sorry. Are you still mad?" he asks, and I can almost see the scared expression on his face. I take a couple quick, short breaths, and he lets out a sob. "So you forgive me?" he asks, and I take a deep breath. I'm starting to get tired. "Ok, so you aren't breaking up with me?" he asks hurriedly, and I take some quick breaths, hoping he'll wrap this up soon. He seems to realize this might be wearing me out. "Ok, thank you Shane. I promise I'll be with you when you wake up, ok?" he asks, and I take one long breath.

He sighs, and I can hear the slight sobs coming from his mouth, and I start to feel guilty. Was he really that worried that I would break up with him? I guess if I was in his situation I would be worried too. God I miss him. I can't wait to wake up.

And right when I have that thought, I start to feel funny. I start to fade in and out of being able to hear stuff around me. When I can, I can hear the heart monitor go crazy, Ryland sobbing beside me, and people running around and shouting. This goes on for a while, when all of a sudden, I am blinded by a big, bright light shining right above me. I reach out for it, comforted by the sight of it, and I hear Ryland scream beside me.

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