59-The Epilogue

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*Timeskip like 10 years maybe I'm not sure, and yes I know I'm lazy I just want to wrap this story up you don't have to point it out*

"Uno, here boy!" Franklin shouted as he ran around, chasing the old dog in the middle of the forest, while Shane and Ryland laid down, curled up under a tree.

"You know," Ryland said, looking up at the half asleep Shane. "I was thinking,"

"Don't hurt yourself," Shane mumbled, smiling.

"Well, it's just that, Franklin is 8 already, and Uno is getting kinda old, Cheeto not far behind." They had gotten the cat a few months after their wedding, when they figured Uno would need a friend.

"Yeah, your point?" Shane said sharply, he was pretty touchy when it comes to the age of their pets.

"Well, maybe Franklin might need, I don't know, someone else to keep him company. I think It'd be good for him!" Ryland said, sitting up all the way now, turning to face Shane, lowering his voice so Franklin couldn't hear.

"What are you saying?" Shane asked, letting a small smile show since he knew exactly what Ryland was talking about.

"Why don't we go to the adoption center?" he asked, then rushed on before Shane could say anything. "I mean, we already had my sister impregnated with your sperm to get Franklin, so we have a kid that's ours. I don't want to put my sister through that again, and I think it'd be nice to adopt a kid. Plus, I-"

"Ryland," Shane said, smiling softly as his flustered husband. "I think that's a great idea,"

"Really?" Ryland breathed out, looking relieved. "Ok, because I might have already looked on their website and booked us an interview." Shane sighed, not surprised at all.

"Ok, when do we have to go in? Franklin! Stay out of those bushes!" Shane called at their son.

"I still can't believe I let you name our kid after the baby doll you cut into and possessed." Ryland said, shaking his head.

"Hey! As long as he never sees that video, we'll be fine." Shane said, shrugging. The truth was, they had found out Franklin was a boy at the last second, and so they had to come up with a quick name, and Franklin was decided.

"Anyway, I was thinking a girl," Ryland said, going back onto the topic of adoption. "I've even thought of a name."

"Wow," Shane said, giving Ryland an impressed look. "You really have thought this out." Ryland nodded eagerly, smiling. "So, what name were you thinking?"

"It's a surprise," Ryland said, smiling. 

"Ugh," Shane said, smiling back. "Fine." He leaned in, and gave Ryland a quick kiss, which began to turn heated. But they were soon interrupted by Franklin, who was making gagging noises in front of them.

"Ew!" he said, scrunching up his nose while the two men laughed. "Dads, I'm hungry!"

"Then let's go get some lunch," Shane said, helping Ryland up. 

"Where do you want to go?" Shane asked once they were all back in the car, Uno and Franklin in the backseat.

"Taco Bell!" Franklin said, smiling.

"You really did get your appetite from your daddy, didn't you?" Ryland said, mostly to himself.

"Yeah, but he got his metabolism from his dad," Shane said, looking from his belly to his husband's and son's.

So they went to Taco bell, got their food, and headed home, where they were greeted by Cheeto, who was patiently waiting for them by the window.

"Hey buddy," greeted Shane when they walked in. "Sorry I didn't get you anything, but if it makes you feel better, Uno didn't get anything either."

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