56-The Station

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"So let me get this straight," said the very confused police officer to Shane as him and Ryland sat in the police station. "You ran away, found the body of Preston Scott, made him look like you in order to fake your death, then ran away to Idaho, but came back to save your boyfriend here," she said, gesturing to Ryland. "From killing himself. Is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Shane said, looking down at his and Ryland's entwined hands. He was getting tired of telling this story. He got it, he was stupid and it was a terrible idea!

"Well, we'll be sure to change the headstone engraving, and let Preston's friends and family know, thank you."

"Is that it?" Ryland asked, not wanting to be in there any longer than they had to.

"I think so," she said, writing something down. "If we have any more questions, we'll be sure to call you."

"Ok, thank you ma'am," Shane said, standing up with Ryland. She smiled at them as they left the station.

"Now," Ryland said as they got in the car. "What are you going to do about your fans? They're going to hear about this one of two ways, through you, or the news." 

Shane sighed. "Well obviously I want to be the one to tell them, but how?" Ryland shrugged.

"In the way you do best. Sit down and talk to them." Shane gave him a confused look. "When we get home, get out your computer, pull up that really shitty recording app you used to use, and just talk. Then, no editing, just upload it. That's how you did your coming out video, right?" Shane nodded, smiling slightly. 

"Yeah, I liked doing that. Ok, thanks Ry," Shane said, leaning across the seats to give his boyfriend a peck on the cheek. "I love you, you know that?"

"Yeah, I do," he said, smiling back. "Now get in your seat and buckle up so we can go home."

"Yes mother," Shane laughed, getting back in his seat. 

The ride home was uneventful, unless you count Shane screaming at a lady out the window who was wearing a suit, "You do you queen! You're a fucking icon!", which earned quite a few stares from strangers.

When they got home, Shane raced inside, desperate to get this over with. He grabbed his laptop, and went to his office, sitting on the floor, placing the laptop on the couch, and turned it to face him.

He pulled up that app Ryland was talking about, and took a deep breath before pressing record.

"Hey what's up you guys," he said, waving at the camera. "I know what you're thinking, and no, this is not a joke, I am real and very much alive. But please, just listen to me. I was at a very bad place in my life a few months ago, I feel like I can tell you that. I thought I was fat, and nothing anyone could say to me could change that." he wiped a tear from his eyes, laughing. "Damnit I didn't want to cry. Anyway, yes, I hated myself, and I didn't know what to do. I began to starve myself. I skipped meals, and when I did eat, I ate very little. It didn't last long, because Ryland found out, and tried to stop me. But me, being the stubborn little bitch that I am, decided that it would just be better to run away from my problems. So I did. I ran away, and for a few days, I slept on the streets, until I eventually made my way to Idaho, where I stayed there for a while. But, after some convincing (a.k.a Ryland telling Shane he was going to commit suicide to be with him), I came back, and now, here I am. There will most likely be a news story about it tonight, so tune into that. I just wanted to tell you guys this first, and also tell you that you don't have to run away from your problems. You are strong, and you can handle them all on your own. I believe in you. I love you guys, and I better see you tomorrow!" 

He ended his video with a kiss to the camera, or computer in this case, like always, then stopped the recording. 

Then, he saved the video, uploaded it to YouTube, and hesitated as his finger hovered over the post button. He jumped as he felt two hands snake around his waist and a kiss being placed on his neck.

"You can do it babty," Ryland whispered in his ear, encouraging Shane to do it. With one more deep breath, he clicked, and was instantly greeted by thousands of comments. But Shane didn't look, he wasn't even paying attention. He was more focused on the boy sitting behind him.

"Thanks, Ry." he whispered back, looking over his shoulder. 

"For what?" Ryland asked, smiling slightly at him.

"For everything."

"That's what I'm here for," Ryland smiled.

"Trust fall!" Shane shouted, leaning back into the smaller boy, knocking both of them down.

"Way to ruin the moment," Ryland said, holding his arm.

"Are you hurt?" Shane asked concerned, scared he had hurt Ryland.

"No, I'm fine." Ryland said, standing up.

"No," Shane said, shaking his head. " I can see a red mark on your arm."

"Oh come on Shane," Ryland pouted. "I'm fine, really. Coughing doesn't mean I'm sick, and a red mark doesn't mean I have a fractured arm."

"Fine," Shane admitted. "At least let me kiss it and make it all better,"

So Ryland, giggling, held out his arm and allowed Shane to kiss it. "There," he said, pulling his arm away. "Happy?"

"Yes, thank you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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