7-The Hospital

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Shane woke up, and was immediately blinded by the bright lights of his hospital room. He felt a pain, and looked down to see his leg in a cast. He tried to sit up, but he was in too much pain. He looked at his left arm, which had an I.V in it, then looked to his other arm, and saw another hand was entwined with his. He looked to the human attached to the hand, and saw a snoring Ryland sitting in the chair next to him.

"Ryland?" he asked, shaking his hand. Ryland sat bolt upright. He looked to the boy in the bed next to him, and smiled.

"Hey babty, how ya feeling?" he asked, yawning and stretching. Shane blushed at the pet name.

"I'm Ok. It hurts though." he said, gesturing to his leg.

"I know. Doc says the pain killers should be kicking in soon."

"When will I be able to go?" Shane pouted, and Ryland chuckled.

"They want to keep you overnight, and I already signed the release papers so we can just leave tomorrow when you wake up."

"Yay!" Shane yelled like a child, and they laughed. "Wait, I just realized something." he said, and Ryland frowned.

"What's that?" he asked, and Shane smiled.

"You're my boyfriend." he said, and Ryland sighed in relief. 

"Oh yeah," he said thoughtful, pecking Shane on the cheek. "I guess I am. Should we do something to celebrate when we get home?" he asked, and Shane smiled.

"I guess we should," he said, trying to sit up for a kiss. Ryland laughed and helped him out.

"I'll plan it," Ryland said. "You've done a bunch of stuff, I'm gonna do this one."

"Ok," Shane admitted. "But do that later. I don't want you to leave yet." he whined, and Ryland smiled teasingly.

 "Fine, I'll stay." he said, and smiled. "But I should probably call Clevver so they know I won't be back for a few weeks." Shane gave him a confused look.

"Why won't you go back?" he asked. "I'm the one with a broken leg."

"I know," Ryland said, in a voice that sounded like he was talking to a five year old. "But you'll be alone if I leave, and I don't want anything happening while I'm gone." Shane looked like he was about to protest, but shrugged in defeat.

"Fine," he said. "But once I'm good with my crutches, you have to go back. I know how much you like your work."

"True," Ryland admitted. "But not as much as I like you." he said, and leaned in for another kiss. Just then, the doctor walked in, clipboard in hand.

"So Mr. Yaw, based on your..." he trailed, off, looking at the couple. They broke apart, looking embarrassed. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked, and they shook their heads. "Ok then. As I was saying, based on your results, you broke your leg in two different spots, so you'll need to stay on crutches for at least 8 weeks. Come back after that and we will reevaluate to see if you need to stay on them any longer."

"Ok, thanks Doc." Ryland said, and the doctor nodded and left.

"Hey Ryland?" Shane asked.


"Do you think I could still make videos? I think I might go crazy if I don't have an outlet." he asked, and Ryland smiled.

"I think that would be fine." he said, and Shane smiled.

They continued to chat until after dinner, when Ryland had to go and check on the dog, leaving Shane all alone.

"Don't worry," he said when Shane tried to make him stay. "I'll be back."

"Ok," he pouted as Ryland left. "But don't be too long!"

After he left, Shane was alone. Occasionally, the nurse would come in to take his vitals, but that was about it. He missed Ryland. He pulled out his phone and posted his leg to all his social media, explaining why he wouldn't post a video that day. Then he was really bored, and it had been an hour since Ryland left, so he decided to call him. He picked up on the first ring.

"Shane? What's wrong? Did something happen?" he asked worriedly.

"No, I'm fine. I just missed you." he heard Ryland sigh from the other end.

"Well I'm almost there, so hold on." he said, and Shane nodded, then remembered Ryland couldn't see him.

"Ok, I'll wait." he sighed, and hung up.

A few minutes Ryland came back with a pillow and a blanket.

"What's that for?" Shane asked.

"Well, there's no way I'm leaving you alone. You'd just be calling me all night."

"True," he admitted. So Ryland set the bed up, and shut the lights out. Shane decided to have some fun with him.

"Ryyylaaand," he said in a high pitched voice.

"What Shane?" Ryland asked, annoyed.

"Can you tell me a bedtime story?" he asked like a child. Ryland sighed.

"Fine. What do you want it to be about?" he asked, and Shane smiled.

"I want a fairy tale!" 

"Ok," Ryland said. "Here you go. Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince who lived in a tower. His parents put him there after he told them he was bisexual, and was dating a girl to hide his feelings toward boys, thinking he would change his mind. Word quickly spread to the town, where a lowly peasant, who was gay, heard about the prince. He had had a crush on him forever, and when he heard he was bi, he decided he would save him. So he made his way to the tower, and climbed all the way to the top. The prince was lying on his bed, and when he saw the peasant, he sprung to his feet. 'What are you doing here?' he asked. 'Saving you'. The peasant replied. So the peasant took the prince in his arms, and carried him down the tower. They ran far away to a more accepting community, and lived happily ever after." he concluded, and looked over to see Shane sleeping. He smiled.

He went over and pulled the covers up, making sure he was tucked in. He smiled to himself, knowing this boy was his. He placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, making sure he didn't wake him up.

"Goodnight my little prince." he said, laying down onto the couch. "I love you." he whispered, thinking he said it too quiet for Shane to hear. It didn't work.

"I love you too." Shane said, smiling.

Author's Note: Hey guys! So first of all, I want to thank all you guys for the reads and votes, it means a lot to me! I hope you enjoyed this story so far, I'm enjoying writing it! But, I'm having writer's block, and I can't think of any ideas. If you guys have any suggestions that don't involve one of them dying or proposing (it's too early for that), leave them in the comments so I know what to write next! Ok, I think that's it! Bye! <3

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