55-The Reveal

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"So," Garrett said, sitting on the couch along with the rest of Shane's friends and family, including his mom and brothers, Drew, Garrett, Joey, and Lisa. "What's this big surprise you needed to tell us?"

"Well," Ryland said, feeling almost as excited and nervous as Shane, who was hiding in the next room. "You see, uh,"

"Spit it out," Drew urged, feeling impatient. 

"Shane's alive!" he spit out in a rush, and everyone looked at each other with a confused look. Shane's mom gave him a pitied look.

"Oh, sweetie, no, he's not." she said, giving him a small smile. "He died, remember? You went to his funeral." She went to grab his hand, but he pulled away, smiling.

"No! I thought he died too, but it turns out he's alive! I swear! I've seen him, and talked to him!" he said, standing up. Everyone stared at him, but he kept smiling. He expected this.

"Ryland," said Garrett, standing up and approaching Ryland slowly like he was a bomb that could go off at any moment. "Do you need to go see a grief counselor again?"

Ryland sighed. "No, just listen to me! He's alive! He's right here, come on!" he said, pointing to the room that he had shoved Shane into when everyone came. They all got up, and cautiously made their way over to where Ryland was leading them.

Ryland opened the door, and everyone gasped. Sitting on the floor, tears stirring in his eyes with his head bowed, was Shane. He brought his head up, and gave them all a weak smile as he stood up. 


Shane's mom immediately burst into tears as she ran to embrace her son. "Oh Sh-Shaney," she gasped, holding her son. "D-don't ever do th-that again."

"I won't," Shane said, holding her tight. "I promise,"

Everyone else just stood there in shock. When Shane's mom eventually pulled away, Garrett stepped forward.

"I don't know whether I want to slap you or hug you," Garrett said, staring at Shane as if he was going to just disappear again before his eyes.

"I could really use a hug," Shane said, stretching his arms out, a small smile forming on his face. Garrett embraced his friend, smiling too. 

Everyone else got their turn to hug Shane while Ryland just stood there, smiling. Once everyone had accepted that Shane was real, and not just a figment of their imagination, they made their way back to the living room, where they all sat down in their previous spots, except for Shane, who sat next to Ryland, who grabbed his hand and squeezed it in an attempt to comfort him.

"So," Shane said, breaking the silence. "I'm sure you all have questions, and I promise I'll get to all of them, but please just let me explain first," he sighed, and everyone nodded, urging him to go on. So he told them everything he had told Ryland. 

"I'm sorry," he finished, even though he had already apologized several times throughout the story. By this time, everyone had shed at least one tear.

"Shane," Lisa said, wiping a tear from her eyes. "And I mean this in the nicest way possible, shut up." Shane let out a small noise that was somewhere between a laugh, sob, and a snort.

"Lisa's right," Drew said. "You don't need to apologize. We're just happy you're back," Everyone nodded in agreement, and Shane smiled.

"Thanks guys,"

After that, Shane answered a couple more questions, then everyone slowly left, promising they would call later, leaving Shane and Ryland alone.

"Well that went well," Ryland said encouragingly, smiling up at Shane, who smiled back.

"Yeah," he said. "Hey Ryland?" 

"Yeah Shane?"

"Thank you," 

Ryland smiled, and leaned up to kiss Shane, who bent down to help him. "I love you," he mumbled into the kiss.

"I love you more," Ryland said back, pulling away.

"Not possible," Shane said, smirking.

"Oh I think-" but Ryland was interrupted when he began to cough, turning away so he wouldn't cough all over Shane

"Aww, is my little Ry-Ry sick?" Shane baby talked. Ryland shook his head, continuing to cough. Shane bent down, grabbing from behind his knees with one hand, supporting his back with the other as he lifted him up.


"Shh," Shane, said, rocking him like he was a baby. "Don't speak,"

"But-" Ryland sputtered.

"SHHHHH," Shane said, trying not to laugh.

Ryland, deciding to just play along, kept quiet as Shane carried him up to bed. He laid him down gently, placing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"I'll go get you some water, don't go anywhere, got it?" he said, and Ryland nodded, smiling to himself.

Shane returned a couple minutes later to find Ryland curled up in a ball, pretending to sleep, even though it was only 7. Shrugging to himself, he set the cup down on the dresser, and got in next to Ryland, placing a kiss on his nose. Ryland shifted closer to Shane, and Shane smiled.

"You know we're gonna have to tell the police how it's not really me in that grave, right?" Shane said, looking down at Ryland.

"Shh," Ryland said, mimicking Shane, bringing a finger to his lips. "We can do that later, don't ruin this."

So Shane didn't say a word, he just held Ryland closer, smiling to himself, wishing this was how he would spend every night for the rest of his life.

Author's Note: Thanks for 6k! I love you guys! I'm trying to make up for the death of your feelings with cuteness, is it working?

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