17-The Light

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People were running around, talking and giving orders, rushing around Shane's bed. But Ryland wasn't paying attention. All he could do is stare at the boy lying in front of him as he sobbed.

Shane was shaking and twitching as if he was having a seizure. His face was scrunched up as if he was in pain, and he was grunting and whimpering. It was all Ryland could do to keep from grabbing him, to hold him and tall him everything everything would be Ok.

But he restrained himself for now, since according to the doctors, that might interfere. 

"Wait for him to calm down a bit," they said. And even though everyone around him told him that this was all normal, he couldn't help but cry as he saw his boyfriend in pain, unable to do anything to comfort him. He just had to sit there and watch.

Soon, the doctors and nurses left, saying they had done everything they could, and that Shane should wake up soon. Ryland had called Shane's family, and they said they would be there in about half and hour, since they were currently at their hotel.

"You should be able to talk to him," a nice female nurse recommended. "He does know you're here, and it might comfort him now that he's calmed down a bit." And that was true, his face had relaxed a bit, and he wasn't moving around as much.

So he did. As Shane was lying there, still twitching and groaning, Ryland held his hand, whispering words of comfort and sweet nothings into Shane's ear, while silently sobbing.

After about 20 minutes of absolute torture for Ryland, Shane stopped moving. He was eerily still for a few moments, then his eyes cracked open the tiniest bit, and his hand moved up, hovering over the bed. Then, it reached all the way up, towards the ceiling lights, grabbing at nothing.

Ryland was screaming a bit as this was happening, and this caused Shane's eyes to open up a bit more. He turned his head to face Ryland, and he cracked a big smile.

"Hey Ry," he said weakly as Ryland sat there, stunned, tears still falling down his face.

"Hey babty," he whispered, as he reached over to hug his boyfriend, soaking his hospital gown in tears.

They broke apart, smiling and staring into each other's eyes as they both cried. Ryland cupped Shane's face in his hand as he kissed him softly, both of them missing the way their lips fit almost perfectly together.

"I love you," Shane whispered as they broke apart. 

"I love you too," said Ryland, still staring into Shane's beautiful eyes.

They sat there for a few more minutes, smiling at each toher while the nurses came in to chack Shane's vitals.

Soon, Shane's family showed up, and there was a lot more smiling, crying, and hugging. After a while, they all calmed down, and they sat down.

"I'm sorry," Shane said, breaking the silence.

"Oh sweetie," said Shane's mom, grasping her son's hand. "You have nothing to be sorry about."

"Yes I do," Shane quickly interjected. "If it wasn't for me, you guys wouldn't have been so worried." he turned to look at his family. "You guys wouldn't have had to come out here." he said, then looked to his boyfriend. "And you could be at work."

"You are so much more important to me Shane." Ryland said, leaning in. 

"Thanks Ryland," he said, and he grabbed his hand. After a few minutes, the doctor came in to talk to them about what the next step would be.

"So we're going to keep you here for another week just in case. Even after we release you, however, you will probably be pretty weak, since you have been stuck in bed for over a month, so you should probably take it easy. You might need help getting around." he said, and they were all nodding. 

He continued to tell them about all the painkillers Shane could take if he needed it, and how Ryland should take care of him in case of an emergency. Shane's family stuck around for a while, but they left after a few hours to pack up their things at the hotel.

Ryland sat with Shane, talking to him.

"Thanks for staying with me the whole time." Shane said, smiling

"Your welcome," Ryland said, smiling. "Thanks for forgiving me for the whole kissing thing."

"Your welcome," Shane said. "I should have listened to yo-" he tried to say for the hundreth time, but Ryland cut him off.

"Stop, Shane. That's in the past. We just need to put it behind us, and move on." he said, and Shane nodded, looking down.

"Ok," he said, smiling at Ryland. He sighed. 

"What?" Ryland asked, and he smiled. 

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you." he said, and they both blushed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Shane said. "But can you get me food? I'm hungry."

"Sure," Ryland laughed. "Since you technically aren't sick, I guess I could get you some Taco Bell." he said, and Shane lit up.

"Yes." he said, so Ryland left, got some Taco Bell, and came back. They sat together and ate their food, while they talked. "Hey Ry?" Shane asked.

"Hmm?" Ryland asked through a mouth full of food. 

"Can you keep sleeping here? I have a lot of bad memories of being in hospitals alone, and it wasn't so bad when I was in the coma and couldn't see, but I don't want to be alone."

"Of course babty," he said, and Shane smiled.

"Thanks." he said, and they ate the rest of their Taco Bell and went to bed early, falling asleep to a sappy romance movie on a DVD Ryland played on his blue ray player, holding hands the entire night.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I know, I'm still terrible at endings. I'M SORRY. Also, did you guys really think I was going to let Shane die? If you read a ton of Shyland's like me, and read the comments, at the beginning of the stories, I usually comment asking if either one of them dies. After one of my favorite Shyland's had one of them die, then the other one killed themselves (Not naming names, you know who you are) and it messed me up, I promised I would never do that. However, they did change the story so neither one of them dies, and I thank them for that. Yeah, I hate it when main characters die, I would never do that to you guys. Ok, hope you liked it! Bye!

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