15-The Twitch

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Ryland came back first thing the next day, never wanting to leave Shane alone. Even though the doctors said Shane probably can't tell when people are there, let alone who they are. But Ryland didn't listen, and sat in the chair talking to Shane the entire day.

"I told your fans you wouldn't upload for a while," he said, which was true. He had posted to all of Shane's social media. "But I didn't tell them why, and I told them you would be back soon. Don't let them down Shane." he said, as he began to cry again.

After a while, the doctor came in, and Ryland looked up.

"We have some news," the doctor said, and Ryland stood up, nervous. 

"What is it?" he asked, and the doctor gave him a small smile.

"Well, we were looking at Shane's records from last night, and we noticed a spike in the brain waves." This made Ryland very confused.

"Is that good or bad?" he asked, and the doctor sighed.

"Well, we didn't know, so we went and watched the security footage, and saw a movement in Shane's finger, so what we think, is that he is actually working to wake up, and this is a big leap in progress." he said, and Ryland clasped his hand to his mouth, smiling at his boyfriend. "So keep talking to him," the doctor continued, smiling at the two. "It seems to be working."

So the doctor left,  and Ryland continued to talk to Shane, holding his hand all day. Soon, his family came to visit, and when he tried to leave, they told him he could stay.

"The way he talks about you, you're practically family," his mom said to him through teary eyes. So he stayed,  and they talked about all the things that Shane would do as a child.

"He did what?" Ryland laughed as Shane's mom was telling them a story.

"He would use edible paint, and paint tootsie rolls and candy bars to look like carrots!" she said, and they all laughed. Ryland was still holding Shane's hand, and he laughed as he looked to Shane, who seemed to be breathing deeper and faster than normal.

"You getting mad Shaney?" Shane's brother, Jacob, said, looking at his younger brother. "Why don't you move for us and do something about it?" he said, and they all went quiet, just in case.

Then, something crazy happened. Shane stopped breathing for a second, then took a deep breath. The heart monitors went a little crazy, and started beeping loudly. Then, Ryland felt a small movement come from Shane's hand. He looked down,  and saw that Shane's pinky was twitching ever so slightly.

The nurses came rushing in,  and did something with the heart monitor so it stopped beeping.  Then they turned to Shane's hand,  which was still twitching.  After a few seconds, it stopped,  and his breathing and heart rate went back to normal.

"Good job babty," Ryland said through tears as the nurses checked his vitals one last time, then left. "You're doing great.  Keep it up."

Shane's POV

The doctors saw my attempt at moving from last night, and said it was a great sign,  and that made Ryland happy, which made me happy. I still felt really bad, because for all Ryland knew, I hated him. I needed him to know I forgave him for the kiss.

My family has come, and I'm happy.  They let Ryland stay,  saying he was family, and I appreciate that. I can hear them laughing,  and I try to focus my attention on what they're saying.

"He would use edible paint, and paint tootsie rolls and candy bars to look like carrots!" I heard my mom say, and I got angry. I think it showed up on my monitors,  because then I heard my brother say something along the lines of 'move for us', and I figured they were watching me, so I decided to try again.

I took a deep breath,  and focused all my energy on my hand. I could hear my heart monitor beeping in the background,  but I tuned it out. I had to focus on moving.

After a while, I could feel my pinkie twitch,  and I heard everyone gasp. I eventually got so tired, I stopped, and Ryland squeezed my hand.

"Good job babty," I heard him say,  and my heart swelled with happiness. "You're doing great.  Keep it up." And in that moment, I knew I had to wake up. For my family,  for the fans,  but most of all,  for Ryland.

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