18-The Celebration

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A week later, they were driving home from the hospital, hands intertwined. Shane was tired of the hospital, and was ready to go home. 

"I can't wait to see Uno!" he said as they pulled into their driveway.

"Me too," Ryland said, smiling. "I haven't gotten to play with him much, since I've been at the hospital. I've had Garrett and Drew take care of him and take him on walks though." he reassured Shane.

They opened the door, and Shane was immediately knocked down by an energetic Uno. He tried getting up, but slipped again. Ryland knew better than to laugh, so he helped Shane up. 

"When did the doctor say I would regain my strength?" Shane asked, already tired of his child-like muscles.

"It'll take a while Shane, be patient." Ryland said, and Shane sighed. 

"You're right. I just have a feeling I'm going to get tired of being taken care of like a toddler." he said as Ryland helped him to the couch.

"Look on the bright side," Ryland said, trying to cheer him up. "At least you can still do YouTube videos! I'm sure your fans will be happy that you're back." he said, and Shane nodded.

"You're right. I'll let them know." he said, and he had Ryland take a picture of him, then posted it on all his social media with the caption;

Hey guys! So sorry about the break, but I'll be back tomorrow with a new video! Thanks so much for understanding! (I know he never posted that just go with it)

"There," he said, posting it. "I think that's good. I'm pretty sure I have videos edited from before I, well, you know." he said awkwardly, looking at Ryland, who nodded in understanding.

"Hey Shane," Ryland called from the kitchen, where he was getting some water for Shane. 

"Yeah Ry?" Shane asked. 

"You wanna do something tonight?" he asked, peeping his head into the living room.

"Like what?" Shane asked. 

"I don't know, celebrate?"

Shane thought for a moment. "Sure," he said. "That sounds fun."

Ryland gave him a stern look. "But no alcohol, got it?"

"Got it," Shane said with a small smile. "No alcohol. I've kinda lost the taste for it anyway."

"Ok," Ryland said, smiling proudly. "So what do you want to do? You can't really do too much," he said, and Shane nodded.

"We could postmate," he said, and Ryland nodded.

"Yeah, but we do that every night. What's something we haven't done yet?" he asked, and Shane shrugged.

"We could.....play truth or dare!" Shane said, smiling.

Ryland laughed. "Really Shane?" he asked. "That's so childish."

"Oh come on!" he whined. "It'll be fun!" 

Ryland sighed. "Fine."

A few hours later, their pizza arrived via postmate, and they sat down at the dinner table. "So," Shane said after taking a few bites of his slice. "Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," he said without hesitation, and Shane smiled. 

"Hmm," he said, thinking. "Ok, if I broke up with you right now, what would you do?"

Ryland sighed. "Probably fall into a very dark hole of crippling depression and self-hate." Shane frowned.

"Ok.." Shane said, making a mental note to never do that. "My turn."

"Truth or Dare?" Ryland asked, a smile on his face.

"Dare." Shane said, feeling rebellious. Ryland grinned mischievously.

"Take your shirt off," he said, smiling. He knew that was one thing Shane wouldn't do in front of anyone. No matter what, Shane wouldn't take his shirt off, even if he had nothing else on. The shirt was mandatory, even in the pool. Shane blushed a fierce red.

"I can't," he mumbled, and Ryland frowned.

"Oh come on," he pouted. "Please?" he asked, and Shane shook his head. "Why not?"

"Scared," he murmured. Ryland got up, and walked to Shane, putting his arms around him.

"You don't have to be scared Shane," he whispered in his ear, giving him goosebumps. "I don't care what's under that shirt, you are still the boy I fell in love with, and nothing can change that. I promise. Ok?" he asked, and Shane got up, turning his back to Ryland.

Slowly, he grabs the bottom of his big, roomy, shirt, and starts to lift up, still facing the wall. He starts to show some skin, and he keeps slowly pulling up, and finally pulls it over his head, exposing his back to Ryland.

"Come on babty," he said, urging Shane on. "Turn around." Shane sighed, took a deep breath, and slowly turned around, revealing his chest. Ryland stared, not really understanding what the big deal was. Sure it was a little hairy, but that was about it. To Shane, that staring meant something else, as he quickly grabbed his shirt and put it back on.

"There," he said, sitting down. "Your turn. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," Ryland sighed, feeling as if he owed it to Shane. Shane smiled, and thought for a moment.

"I dare you to watch an entire episode of American Horror Story without looking away." he said and Ryland gasped dramatically.

"And what happens if I don't?" he asked, and Shane raised his eyebrows.

"Do you really wanna find out?" he asked, and Ryland shook his head. After a few moments he sighed, and bowed his head, kicking at the floor.

"Fine," he said, making his way to the living room. "Let's get this over with." So Shane followed him into the living room, where he grabbed the remote.

"Let's see," he said, scrolling through the seasons. "Let's go with, this one." he said, choosing at random. "This girl has blood coming out of her mouth in the thumbnail." 

Ryland sat there, sitting in Shane's lap, trying to fight the urge to bury his face in Shane's chest. After 45 minutes of a lot of screaming, jumping, and comforting, the credits came up, and Ryland jumped up, ran upstairs, climbed into his and Shane's bed, and pulled the comforters over his head.

"Sorry Ry," Shane said, climbing in with him. 

"You should be," Ryland pouted. "That was scary and I'll probably have nightmares now."

"And I'll be right here to comfort you when you wake up," Shane said, talking to Ryland like he was a child. "Ok?"

"Ok." Ryland said, coming out to peek his head from under the covers. "Just don't get up before I do, Ok? I don't wanna be alone."

"I promise," Shane said, trying to keep back a laugh from how ridiculous they sounded. "Now get some sleep."

"Ok," Ryland said, curling himself into a ball and cuddling up to Shane. "Goodnight Shaney," he said into Shane's chest. "I love you,"

"I love you too Ry," Shane said, holding the boy in his arms, both of them trying not to think about what would have happened if Shane hadn't woken up.

Author's Note: Hey guys! OMG, thank you so much for 1000 reads! Ahh! I can't believe people are actually taking the time to read my stuff, so thank you! Anyway, I decided to just make this a cute, filler chapter, but I'm starting to run out of ideas, and I can't think of what to put next, but I also don't want to end the story yet. Any ideas? If you do, leave them down in the comments and I will try to use them to keep the story going! Ok, I think that's it! Bye!

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