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Jakes pov
You:this is my fault
Tessa:no it's not
You:well she's doing this because of me
Tessa:you don't control her it's ok
You:No it's not I think we need to break for now or fake because she's not gonna stop until we do
Tessa:you know what fine I think we should
For the first time I date someone I really love and care for who doesn't end up using me breaks up with me because of my douche bag ex bestie You no what WERE OVER 😭

I run down the stairs in tears shading my face because I'm embarrassed
I sit on the edge of my bed and ball my eyes out

Devin walks in
Devin:Are you ok Jake
You:yeah I'm fine
Devin no...your not
She wraps her arm around my shoulder
You:Me and Tessa broke up
Devin:noooo awww you don't have to tell me anymore I just wanted to comfort you

Ivan's pov
You: Tessa what es wrong
Tessa:um well Jake suggested that we brake up so we did
You:oh nooo but but you were Jessa Jake and Tessa
Tessa:the one boyfriend that loved me for me didn't want us to stay together
You:I understand
Tessa:I just want a hug😔

I hug her gently and tight to comfort her
You:call me if you need anything

I walk downstairs to talk to Devin
You:Hey Devin can we talk
You:In private

Upstairs :

Devins pov
Ivan:I can't believe they broke up
You:me neither
Ivan:I don't know if anyone has told you this but your eyes take me into heaven when I look into them
You:awww thanks Ivan
You:ummm well uhh
He begins to tickle you mercilessly until you fall onto your bed he falls down next to you and you guys stare at each other deeply

Emelio walks in
Emelio:did you hear about Tessa and ja...
Are you in the middle of something

You both get up quickly
Ivan:no um I mean yes but no um no
Emelio:oh ok well
You begin to blush and chuckle

1 hour later
Emelio leaves the room
You:you know what we should do we should um well I really don't know

Ivan hugs you and you hug him back
Ivan:do you um wanna go to the movies with me tomorrow
You:of course
Ivan:like like ...
You:spit it out
Ivan:like a date
You:I would love to
He presses his lips against your cheek
Ivan:it's a date then

Emelios pov
I was waiting outside the door I storm ⛈ off
After I hear the words it's a date I liked Devin since she got here but I was too afraid to tell her now I missed my chance 😭

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