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Vanessa's pov
Me:Chance can I have your number
Chance:sure anything for you

Erikas pov
Me:ladies let's

Devins pov
We literally bought the whole mall
I had an amazing time I even almost forgot about that Ivan
Next we were headed to the spa

At the spa...
Tessa's pov
Vanessa's seemed a little occupied with her phone so might as well ask about it
Me:who are you texting
Vanessa:I hope you don't mind but it's...Chance
Me:no I don't care
Inside I was so angry and jealous I just wanted to punch her in her pretty face and pull her hair but I knew Erika would hate me if I did and I'm not like that So I walked off

Back at the team ten house
Jake:guys I brought something to cheer you up
Jake:I bought a dog and his name is apollo
Chad:eeeeeeek a puppy...I mean cool

Ivan's pov
I pick up the puppy and pet his fur
I think of those nights I held Devin and those night I stroked her hair and those nights that we cuddled on the couch
I give Apollo back to Jake and I go into the bathroom and cry I've Never felt like this before

Emelios pov
Me:come in
Raven walks in and ask to use the bathroom

Ravens pov
I open the door and see Ivan crying
Me:What's wrong
Ivan:Me and Devin we broke up
Me:what happened
Ivan:it was Vanessa she broke us up
Me:and let me guess she made it look like you were cheating
Ivan:everytime I try and tell her she won't listen
Me:idk what to say
Ivan :thanks for talking to me
Me:no problem
We hug for minute
Me:I still have to pee though
Ivan:lol I'll get out

The girls get back
Raven:who's the new girl
Erika:That's Vanessa
Raven:oh ok

Vanessa's pov
I walk up to Chance and kiss him
Erika:when did that happen
Erika:OH that was fast
We hold hands and I purposely walk past Tessa to get to the couch

Chances pov
I look back at Tess I feel kind of bad though

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