Walk away

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Devins pov
I turn on my phone to text my old friends I love my new family but like that song I remembered "make new friends but keep the old one is silver and the others gold" I don't know how to let go but our house is pretty empty these days why not just have them visit for a few weeks I know it backfired last time but this is different
I decided to txt them now and bought them plane tickets and my plan was set

Erika's pov
I walk downstairs to Jake talking to a girl
Me:yo who's this
Jake:oh um this is Chances sister Yaharia she'll be staying with us
I'm just gonna say it I am a little jealous she was pretty and nice but I'll stop that and try to make a friend idk what I'm saying I cheated on Jake and now I'm jealous ugh
I think we sorta forgot to tell him but I didn't want to hurt him what would be worse

Unknown person:
I'm ready to capture her she's in a tender spot and that's the best time when she's off guard and distracted now I strike her soulmate or whatever just came back and she feels safe but she won't be for much longer

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I wanna know who you think should try to take Devin next tell me in the comments🤔

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