Heart ache

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Btw not really sure who was telling the truth but I guess I'm just gonna make something up 😂😂

Devins pov
As lazy as I am rn I was in bed with red eyes from weeping when I get a phone cal
You reach over and pick it up
Phone call:
Ivan:I'm not deported
You:what the hell do you mean
Ivan:I'm not deported I'm coming back
You:then why'd you leave us
We talked for three hours
You:well I'll see you soon
I race down the stairs tell Raven and then ran to Jakes new room
You:can we talk
Jake:ugh sure
You:what's your past with Alissa
Jake:it's pretty bad she's a monster
You:us she really the monster
Jake:she cheated on me for someone close with me
You:she said you brought different girls home everyday but we'll never know the truth
Jake:maybe you think I'm a monster
You:maybe the monster you maybe Alissa maybe the twins well never know
Jake:I know this place seemed perfect at first but truth is it's corrupted
You:why did so many people leave Team ten
Jake:all the stories were different dobre Aj Neels even Tessa they all come and go I'll never :know if any of you will stay
Jake:I don't wanna be alone but I push people away
You:that's not true
you: wdym
You: its not intentional but it always happens I hurt people it's what I do
You:Jake that's in the past
Jake:if it's in the past then why do people keep leaving why do they get hurt by me I can't control myself you better leave too before I hurt you
You:I've been hurt worse I was abused for God's sake
Jake:I even bullied my own brother
You:just change in the future

Ravens pov
I call Emilio like thirty times hoping he'll pick up it's been weeks since they left the Team but I will call until someone answers
Me:I need him

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