If you were a dude

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Chances pov
Me:vanes...I mean Christi I neeed to know
Me:was this fake
Christi:was what fake
Me:do you really love me or was it fake
Me:second question why did you do this
Christi:I didn't want to see her succeed after she said the words that she wanted to hang out Vanessa and not me I wanted to cut all her hair off and mess up her pretty face so everyone would love me and only me
Me:ok nut job I get the idea I'm sorry you two had a bad past but that's no excuse and what's your answer to the first
Christi:I'm not going to lie to you anymore it was fake at first but...
I run down the stairs out the door and around the corner
Christi:CHANCE wa...
Tessa:Look what you've done

One hour later
Christi:guys I'm leaving
Erika:ok go ahead
Christi:but I'll be back for all of you
I lock the door
Erika:crazy bitch
Tessa:she's finally gone

Emilio's pov
Me:so Raven what do you say
Raven:Wow Yes a million times yes...sorry I'm acting like we're engaged
Me:it's cool you can stay with me while we get ready cause we're moving
Raven:of course being a part of team 10 is like my dream

Chances pov
I sit in the front of the door
Erika walks outside
Erika:are you ok
Erika:what's wrong
Chance:I just thought that for once someone like really loved me it seemed like we were so close and then I realized it was all fake
Erika:tons of girls are drooling over you the chance Sutton even some dudes
Chance:thx but...
Erika:if you weren't a dude I'd still date ya
I lean in
Erika:Chance what're you...
I kiss her

Sorry for the short chapter

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