Nick corupted

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Jake:what why
Nick:because this is all so stupid
Jake:the wedding must go on

Jake:I forgot to ask you something
Jake:do you know who the guy who tried to take you was was my stepdad 😖 need to get on the plane now and hurry
Devin:why such a rush
Jake:I invited him to our hotel so you could see someone from home but I messed up and put you in danger
Devin:it's ok you had the right intentions

The plane takes off 🛫
1 hour later: our plane lands

Devin;Nick wait
Nick:what do you want
Devin:why are you so upset
Nick:because I'm scared ok
Devin:you should have just said so but why
Nick:I'm scared I've seen Tessa get hurt before and I did nothing about it and I don't want it to happen again
Devin:you know Chance isn't like that but I understand you should just tell her

Devins pov
Nick slowly walks off
You go up to Emelio
You:what's up
Emelio:I need your help and fast
You:why and what are you wearing 😂
Emelio:and that's what I neeed help with I have a date with Becky
You:I've got this

Sorry to leave you at this 😂

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