Breaking the bad

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Chances pov
Me:hey Jake can my sister stay here for a bit
Jake:sure but make sure it's actually your sister first we don't want that mistake again
Me:cool you remember Yaharia right
Jake:oh um yeah I gotta go
That was weird he ran off like super quick

Devins pov
The makeup on my face smeared and the lipstick outlined my lips my once neat hair was knotted and nappy
I sobbed till I lost my voice
You:Raven what times their flight
Raven it's at 9:00
You:we can make it
Raven:but we look like trash
You:it'll be fine we'll have time
Raven:I sure hope so
We get ready and head to the truck

We drove as high as the limit

Ivan's pov:
I had missed a face I hadn't knew it was like we had a connection my heart started beating fast I was scared
Emilio:it's gonna be ok bro
Ivan:I hope so

Jakes pov
I can't believe I just let Yaharia come back here it's awkward because we used to date and I was really nervous too
Me:When exactly is your sister coming
Chance:she should be here by Tuesday
Not cool I don't know how this will turn out


Devins pov
We sprinted out the car and into the airport
We got checked by security and ran
I had practically fell obthe ground when we found them
Devin:I love you I know you don't remember me but I just want you to know unless you do I
Will Never stop loving yo Ivan and I hate myself for leaving you but I hope you forgive me
Ivan:and I'll never forget you

Ravens pov
I cried as Emilio wiped away my tears
I could feel my heart tearing in two
Me:in sorry

Devins pov
Ivan:I'm sorry I have to leave

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