Make me feel

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Emelios pov
My world is upside down I just wish I asked out Devin while I still could
I walk past her room with my head down
Devin:Emilio can you strap my bra for me
You:um sure
Devin:so why are you so sad
You:I'm not
Devin:it's ok you can tell me the truth
You:actually I can't or else everyone will hate me
I fall on to her bed cover my face and cry
She peels my fingers off one by one
Devin:Emelio it's ok to cry sometimes you don't have to hide it just because your afraid of what others will say
Emelio:I wish I could tell you but everyone in the house would hate me
Devin:fine you don't have to tell me
Emelio:Thanks Devin
I hug her and she kisses my forehead and U leave
This is why I like Devin this is why I can't get over her

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