Happy birthday

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Stepdad:DEVIN SKYLER BLAZE you've never seen pain before
Devin:you can't  even recognize pain even if it danced naked in front of you
SD:how do you think it was when your mom died
Devin:your only saying that because she was the only one willing to work because your lazy ass was better off cheating with a louzy woman
Sd:that doesn't change the fact that I was stuck taking care of you and your brothers
Devin:you didn't do SHIT
Sd:well where was your dad
Devin:you threatened to kill us if he got us so you could have a new support system out of our brothers
Sd:I don't know why I'm spending so much time arguing with this whore

Devins pov
Feminine hands wrap a bandanna around my mouth
You:who is th...
Another figure is slammed to the ground
It's Jake and he hurt his back and had cuts and bruises all over
I scoot over to him with my legs and arms tied together he pulls down the bandanna
Devin: Jake please just stay with me please don't go it can't end like this
Devin:I swear Sebastian I'll do anything just get Jake to a hospital
He kneels down and says :also your brother Jackson uhh he's dead and punches me

Just complete darkness without thought If im not physically dead I am on the inside everything that meant something to me had been drowned in dread and if I were to live to see another day I would go somewhere far far away from people I love places I love and thing I love so they won't get hurt

Jake :Devin just know from experience it's not your fau...
All I hear is Erikas faded voice and a gun shot throbbing in pain as tears roll down my face

Me:Babe wake up 😁 it's your birthday
Devin:Birthday???I don't have a birthday
Me:well let's just say we found it out 😂
I kiss her nose and leave the room

Devins pov
I can't believe it was a dream but I'm not taking any chances of it happening
I  start to pack some clothes,water,and a bag of lays
I don't want to disappoint them but I can't put them in danger like that

Anthony's pov
Me:UHH guys what this
It's a note ur says:I love everyone of you and living here has been the best few months of my life but if I stay here I'll put you all in danger and I'm not gonna let you guys get hurt and I think joining Team 10 was a mistake but we'll still always be family I love you guys you are my world sincerely ~Devin

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