Calling Mr.Wrong

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Devins pov
The next morning
I gave him a call like the idiot I am
Devin:hey Caleb this is Devin
Caleb:hey Devin we should go to brunch together
Caleb:I'll pick you up at 12:00
Devin:see you then
I hung up the phone
Maybe I shouldn't have called him and listened to them...oh well

Caleb's pov
It's the idiotic girls like this that get put in bad situations she doesn't know what's coming to her

Devins pov
I ran down the stairs in excitement
Jake:where are you going
Jake:be safe you don't know what could happen
You:whatever you say
I spotted the two door car with the blonde in it and opened the door
I heard him hang up the phone as I walked it
You:who was that
Caleb:no one to worry about let's get to brunch
Two hours later:
brunch was lovely and he even carried me out bride style he was so kind and swe...
He flung me into the small trunk of the car that fit my height and as soon as you know it slammed and I heard the car drive away at full speed I began to panic knowing home was the opposite direction
I should've just listened and everything would be fine

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