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Erikas pov
Me:what're you...
he kisses me
Me:Chance I'm dating Jake and you know that Chance:sorry I just thought that you liked me
Me:I do I mean not like that I was joking
Chance:oh I'm stupid I never should have thought that
Me:your not stupid it's if he were to see you do that he'd be really hurt because your one of his best friends and we can't do that to him
Chance:I know lately ever since me and Tessa broke I've wanted someone new
Me:well I'm sure you will but let's keep this a secret I will tell him but not until he gets back from Texas
Tessa:keep what a secret
Chance:oh heeeeeey Tessa
Tess:Erika what're you to hiding
Erika:um nothing
Tessa:then why'd you say let's keep this a secret
Chance:it wasn't anything important
Tesssa:you guys are two of my best friends you can tell me anything
Erika:I can't
She storms off
Erika:ugh we just made up
Chance:I'm sorry...for all of this mess
Erika:it's fine I just need some time alone

Tessa's pov
She's always hiding things from me I'm as open as possible and she just takes it for granted I thought we were besties but besties don't keep secrets maybe we need a break

The doorbell rings

Emilio's pov
Me:I'll get it
I walk over to the door
Me:who is i...BECKY um what're you doing here
Becky:we need to talk ALONE
We go into the office because no ones in it
Becky:you've been blowing me off lately
Me:about that
Becky:DONT try and justify it but I just don't think it's gonna work
Me:WHAT...thank goodness I didn't know how to do it myself
Becky:YOU were gonna break up with me
She slaps me
Me:OW but you just broke up with me
Becky:Well that's different
Becky:for reasons I knew you liked someone else
Me:uuuuhhhh yeah about that too
Becky:I never should've let you hang with That girl I thought she was just your friend
Me:it's just I love you as a friend and your an amazing person but I'm in love with someone else and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner
Becky:this is for lying
Me:wait wha...
She slaps me again
Me:Oooowww you have strong hands
Becky:Don't forget about me because you owe me one
She leaves the room
Me:That went better than expected

Chances pov
I just don't know who I want anymore 😖

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