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Devins pov
Me and Ivan were going on a date tonight
You:Ivan I love you
Ivan:I know you do who doesn't
I shove him a little bit
We both laugh
You:ok we should start heading there
Ivan:I have a surprise for you when we get there
We start to walk when the sign changes
When a car comes out of nowhere and hits him he falls the ground and hits his head
You drag him onto the sidewalk and call an ambulance and then Erik
You:Erik get team 10 and meet me at the hospital
You:Ivan was hit by a car I'm waiting for the ambulance I'll see you soon
You hang up the phone and lay him on your lap
You:please don't leave me now I need you with me please
You start crying like crazy
3 minutes later the ambulance get there and they speed to the hospital
Doctor:can you wait outside for now honey
You lift you feet up onto your chair tuck your head in and cry
Team ten gets there Erika and Chance wrap there arm around you
Erika:it's gonna be ok
You:I hope so

About an hour later
Nurse:you may come in he's currently unconscious though
I drag my feet in the room
He's covered in scrapes and bruises
I kiss his cheek
You:please wake up you are my everything I've never loved anyone in the way I love you I've lost too many ppl in my life I'm not loosing another stay with me
You cross your arms and duck your head down on the railing of the bed
Doctor:I have news
The doctor droops his head down
You:what is it
Doctor:It seems that when he hit the ground he injured his temporal lobe
You:what's that
Doctor:that basically stores his memory's
You:oh shit...this is my fault
Doctor:it isn't it was the negligence of the driver
Soon after team ten went home for the night
Then a girl taps me on the shoulder
Girl:I'm so sorry I know this doesn't make up for it but I believe I hit your boyfriend I was trying to stop my kids from fighting
You:your a mom I say shocked
Girl:a lot of people say that
You:you look so young
The lady was tanish she had long blonde hair medium thick lips skinny and she looked familiar but before I moved in I was kind of outdated
Girl:thank you
You:it's ok I get it what's your name btw
You:oh ok I'm Devin
Alissa:nice to meet you Devin I have to get home but here's my number give me a call if you need to talk I have a feeling we'll be good friends
Devin:me too
That girl she was really familiar I just didn't know why

Ivan's pov

Emilio's pov
I had stayed with Devin since Ivan was my brother
Me:Devin you alright
Devin:it just feels like this is my fault
Me:it's not your fault you didn't push him in front of it or anything
Devin:sorry I always make everything about me
Me:it's cool we all do it
Devin:thanks for talking to me
Me:no problem

Devins pov
I lay down on the bed next to Ivan without putting pressure on any of his injured spots
And fall asleep

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