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4:00 am
Tessa's pov
I walk quietly to Erika and shake her
Me:plz get up and meet me downstairs
5 minutes later

Me:idk what it is but something's not right about Vanessa
Erika:what do you mean
Me:A lots been happening lately first her and Ivan kissed then she started dating Chance out of nowhere I mean she could've been the one that kissed him for all we know
Erika:she's not like that I know it's hard that you and Chance broke up and he's already moved on I'm sorry for that but...
Me:I THOUGHT WE WERE friends but I guess not
I storm off while the rest of team ten runs into the kitchen I look back as a tear rolls down my face

Erika's pov
Vanessa:what's wrong
Erika:it's nothing we just got into a small argument
Vanessa:are you sure it seemed serious
Erika:yeah I'm fine

The next day...

Ivan's pov
I walk out to the backyard and dip my feet in the pool I don't get much privacy anymore since we took down are room since we're moving
Emilio sits by me
Ivan:I just wish she would believe me
Emilio:I get it

Devins pov
I don't really like singing unless I'm really upset I plop down on my bed face first
You:Raindrops are falling and they keep coming down when you think it's over there's thunderstorms behind there trying to drag you but you on getting up just when you've had enough floods come through knocking you down just when your up you start to drown
When you've lost all and your all by yourself now your just another book on the shelf

Then the door closes and locks

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