Just somthin

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Ravens texts
Raven:please answer I'm worried about you
Emilio:I'm really sorry I haven't talked to you I just don't know where to stay and I'm not going back to the house
Raven:u and your brother can stay with me
Emilio:send me the adress and I'll be there

Ivan's pov
Emilio:bro I found a place to stay we can go now
Ivan:really that's great I just have to stop by team 10
Emilio:I thought we weren't going back there
Ivan:it's just to see Devin
Emilio:ok meet me at our new house after
I walk out of the hotel and head to the house
Chad:oh um hey good to see you
Ivan:you two... is Devin here
Chad:she's at the mall she'll be back soon
Ivan:I'll wait can I come on side
Chad:uh sure
About twenty minutes later Devin walks in the arms of another guy ETHAN DOLAN
She tilts her head up
she runs up and squeezes me not letting go I hug her back and glare at him
The thought of her being around him made me angry but I had to let it go for now but why was I angry?

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