Mix it up

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Later that night...
Emelios pov
I pull Devin upstairs into her room
Emelio:me and Ivan are going to visit Spain but will be back in like two weeks
Devin:ok I'm gonna miss you two Savages though
Emelio:You too
Ivan walks upstairs
And kisses me on the cheek
Ivan:I'll miss you too

About a week later...

I walk upstairs to get my phone charger
And I hear Tessa crying
I rush into her room and Erikas beside her
Tessa:me and Chance broke up I acted like I was fine but I'm really not I thought it was going great Until...

One hour ago
Tessa's pov
Me:hey babes
Chance:About that
Chance:don't be mad I think we should just be friends it's not you it's me it's just I don't wanna ruin are friendship
Me:I know it's mean just tell me why
Chance:it's not that simple
Me:how you said it pretty easy
Chance:I just thought if I stayed calm
Me:you know what just go
Chance:where am I supposed to go
Me:I don't know I don't care I just wanna be ALONE

Back to present time
Tessa:so yeah
Me:I'm so sorry Tess it's gonna be ok I know it doesn't seem like it now but your beautiful and I'm sure you'll find someone else with a great personality it may not be the same but anyone would want you he still loves you just not that way
Tessa:thanks Dev
Erika whispers something in my ear
Erika:your a miracle worker

I walk down stairs to Jake destroying the twins room
Jake:don't worry we're all moving

Sorry for such a short chapter

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