There room for a G???

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Devins pov
We're getting ready for the party while Emelios asleep we're almost done when...the doorbell rings
Who could be here already
You:who is i...Becky G
Becky:Yep you invited me so who's birthday is it how old is she turning
You:well um it's a surprise party for a boy named Emelio
Becky:OH um I'm so sorry I feel like such a jerk
You:Oh um no worries that's what I would guess too it's not sexist if it was an accident just an assumption
Becky:well um do you have a bathroom I can get dressed in
You:of course

The doorbell rings again this time Jake gets it
Jake:Hey Kyler,Mad,Tatum,Oakley
Mad:Say hi babies 👶🏻👶🏻
Jake:hayloo 😗
Then another person walks in and Jake motions her to the office
You:Who was that
Jake :That's...oh heeey Emily Koda nice to see you
Devin:who are they
Jake:I don't know 😳
Everyone walks down the stairs and hides
As Jake blows an air horn and Emelio chases him down the stairs
Emelio slides on the floor covering himself realizing he's in his underwear 😳

Becky comes  out in a beautiful outfit and starts singing as she lifts her foot out of the bathtub and starts to sing shower

Emelios povThis girl singing she's amazing and she's beautiful I start to blush and my jaw drops when the song was over I got dressed I walk over to DevinDevin:I can tell that you like BeckyMe:noooo

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Emelios pov
This girl singing she's amazing and she's beautiful I start to blush and my jaw drops when the song was over I got dressed
I walk over to Devin
Devin:I can tell that you like Becky
Me:noooo...ok yes but just a little
Devin:Just a little you were drooling
Me:Was I I just embarrassed myself
Devin:you should go talk to her
Me:I can't
Me:I'm not good at asking people out
Devin:I have an Idea 💡
To be continued...

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