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Ivan's pov
I pick her up and Rush her up the board walk run past Jake as he follows and we rush to the hospital
Devin:iv hel me ple
Ivan:your gonna be ok I've got you
She falls asleep in my arms her palms are purple and blue

At the hospital
She's rushed into a room and smothered with blankets
Doctor:what stage of hypothermia
Ivan :hypothermia???
Doctor :first they're extremely cold they slurr their words they fall asleep and then they're in a coma now where is she
Ivan :she fell asleep
Doctor:if you didn't get here when  you did she could die but don't get your hopes up
My smile turns into a frown
I've went through girlfriends in the blink of an eye but she stayed with me this can't happen
The small squiggles on the machine become a straight line and it screeches
Me:doctor what does that mean
Doctor:oh no I'm afraid 😳 she's stopped breathing you may go home I'll call you if anything changes
I bite my lip trying not to whimper
I run outside and hug Jake crying
Jake:I know 😭

We ride home and go into my new room and cry my eyes out

The next morning
Jake:come with me
He drags me outside
Kade helps someone out of the car
I run to her and hug her tightly
Devin :I'm scared
Devin:I'm on tv
Ivan:whys that a problem
Devin:he's gonna find me
Ivan:we can talk in my new room
Devin :you got a room 😱
Ivan :yeah we made it

A little bit later team 10 went to the boardwalk to celebrate

Emelios pov
Me:guys I sware...
My eyes locked 🔒 with a girl she had green eyes and blue hair when I looked into them it was like knew them I tried but I couldn't look away then...
I tripped over a board
Tony:ha ha 😂

The girl walks up to him
Girl:are you ok
Emelio:I'm fine thank you ....Hey uh whats your name
Girl:I'm Raven and you are ...jk Emelio right
Me:how'd you know
Raven :I have my ways
Me:I think I like her
Raven:you know you said that out loud right
Me:uuuuuh 😳
Raven:here's my number call me sometime
Me:I will

Tony:we saw you flirting with that girl
Me:no. I wasn't ...ok fine I was

Ravens pov
I can't believe I talked to Emelio Martinez

Emelios pov
I hold onto the piece of paper tightly
Me:BECKY ...

If you didn't notice I added a new character who just happened to be a fan

Find out what happens next chapter

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