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me: you think imma forgive you by giving me a huge ass teddy bear, chocolates and rose?

me: and you should have tell me that you will come to my apartment!

c: HEY


c: thank god

c: eva, i'm really really really really really sorry for being difficult and not telling you my name and what i look like.

c: i'm just scared.

me: scared of what?

c: that you wont like me once you found out who i really am

me: c....

c: i'm sure you've heard of my name before...

"eva?" noora knocks to my room and walks in.

"there's no food in the fridge and william and i agreed on eating in a restaurant, you coming?"

my stomach suddenly growls and noora laughs.

"you're defenitely coming." she grabs my hand and help me stand.

"you're so lazy." noora jokes and i rolled my eyes.

"who else is coming?" i asked her.

"eskild." noora replied.

"what about linn?" i scrunched up my nose and look at linn's room.

"you know linn." noora smiled and i nodded. "but she told me to get something for her."

we met eskild and william outside our apartment and i high fived william.

"noora." william pouted. "did you know my name on eva's contacts?"

"what?" noora smiled.

"william the dog." william glared at me while eskild and noora laughed.

"she's so mean to me!"

"eva is always mean to everyone." eskild jokes and i hit his chest playfully.

"don't be a baby." i rolled my eyes at william.

eskild and i took a seat on the backseat while noora called shotgun.

"eva." william called me.

"hm?" i mumbled.

"chris can't stop crying his ass when you blocked him." william laughed and i saw noora widen her eyes at him.

"chris?!" i slightly yelled.

"wait, isn't that the hottie that gave you chocolates, roses and a huge teddy bear?" eskild butts in beside me.

william doesn't say anything and noora looks at me.

"you're so screwed." noora tells william.

i quickly grabbed my phone from my back pocket and go to my messages.


chris: hey eva

chris: WAIT

chris: WHAT

chris: HOLY FUCK


chris: did noora or william told you?????????

chris: EVA

chris: i swear i'm gonna kill those two

chris: who told yoy????

chris: you*

chris: FUCK

chris: you're with william, aren't you?

chris: i told him not to say something!

me: calm yo tits down, chris

me: i still don't know your last name

me: but i'm gonna find out that soon ;)

chris: PLS DONT

"chris texted you." i heard noora told william.

"what did he said?" william nervously asked and i laughed.

"you're dead, dog." i teased him and he gave me a middle finger.

"it says; i'm gonna kill you." noora read the message and william groans.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now