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me: christoffer

christoffer: yes?

me: i'm sad :(

christoffer: aw princess, why?

me: i wanna die now


me: my favorite show will end tomorrow :(

christoffer: seriously?????????

christoffer: its just a show eva

christoffer: you can watch another show or watch that show again



me: (sent a photo)

christoffer: omg

christoffer: don't cry please

christoffer: its okay

me: plus i feel like my ship isn't endgame

christoffer: eva, its okay.

christoffer: fuck your ship, we're endgame.

eva: no! i want them to be endgame!!!

christoffer: jfc eva

christoffer: you're too cute

christoffer: why are you like this

me: what am i?

christoffer: you're so precious djjsjeidj

me: tenkz

christoffer: are you still crying?

me: yes :(((

me: i dont want that show to end,,,, all the characters deserve to have their own season :(((


christoffer: what???


christoffer: why dont u open it??

me: are you serious?


me: why are you still awake btw?

christoffer: i can't sleep.

christoffer: still thinking about our first meeting earlier.

christoffer: :)))))))

christoffer: and i miss you.

christoffer: eva??????

me: shhhh the person cant stop knocking at the door.

me: i'm getting scared

christoffer: shut up and just open the door.

me: what

me: the

me: fuck

me: are you kidding me?

me: are you ssriously letting me to open that damn door????

me: seriously*

christoffer: ohmygod just open it,,, it could be someone important

me: pray 4 me

me: i'm about to open it.

i got up from my bed and tiptoed to the door.

the person started knocking at the door heavily and i ran to my room to grab my baseball bat.

i quickly open the door and was ready to swing when i see christoffer standing outside my apartment.

"woah, chill." christoffer chuckles when he saw me holding a bat and was ready to swing at him.

"you fucking scared me." i rolled my eyes.

i set the baseball bat on the floor and i hug christoffer.

"miss me?" christoffer asked while i'm hugging him.

i rolled my eyes and replied "says the one who came here uninvited when i literally just saw him a few hours ago."

"ouch." he said dramatically. "i've been dragged again."

i pulled away from him and i motion him to follow me at my room.

"so why are you here?" i asked while i sat on the giant teddy bear that he gave me.

i see christoffer smiled as he sat in front of me on the floor.

"oh, so you don't want me here?" christoffer said and was about to get up to leave.

"don't be so dramatic." i chuckled and pulled him back. "i was just asking." i added.

i pulled him closer to me and he lay down in top of me, his head is laying on my waist and he hugs it.

"i know." he smiles and look up at me. "i was just messing with you."

"i just literally saw you a few hours ago and i'm missing you already." i said to him as i played to his short hair.

"were you bald?" i suddenly asked.

christoffer smiled and nodded shyly.

"aw." i laughed and he hides his face at me.

"i wonder what you look like." i bring my hands to his face and lift it up to make him look at me.

"i look like a monkey." he playfully rolled his eyes and i laughed.

"do you have a picture?" i asked.

he nodded and open his phone and he scrolled through it and stop once he found a picture of him bald.

the picture was him with a blonde girl and he suddenly grab his phone from my hand when he realize that the picture was him with a girl.

"who's that?" i asked. "is that your girlfriend?" i added.

"fuck, no!" he exclaimed. "do you think i would be laying here with you right now if i have a girlfriend?" he rolled his eyes.

"she's just a friend." he said to me and i nodded.

he hands me his phone again and i smiled as i see his picture.

christoffer is so hot and cute at the same time.

"it doesn't look that bad." i said while i  stare at the picture.

"yeah, that bad." he rolled his eyes.

"no. i mean it doesn't look bad. it actually looks good on you." i informed him.

"william and i had a deal and i lose and i had to cut my long hair." he pouted.

"william is always a rat." i joked and he laughed.

"true." he agreed with me.

"but its okay, your hair is growing now." i played with his hair.

he suddenly got up and motion for me to do the same.

"what?" i asked.

"we're doing something!" he said to me while smiling.

"its the middle of the night?"

"so?" he raised his eyebrow at me. "come on. it will be fun." he winked.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now