twenty seven

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"what happened now?" i look over to my side and saw eskild.

i shrugged and look back at the television. "i don't know."

"c'mon eva, it's been a week!" he exclaimed. "the boy is probably spamming your phone right now." he said and i didn't answer.

eskild is probably right if this was the next day when chris kissed that girl. he won't stop texting me that night and the next day and me being me, i didn't reply any of his messages until he gave up.

i was expecting him to come here and explain everything to me but he didn't.

i miss him, so much. but i tried calling him the other day and i texted him if we can talk but he never answer.

he's probably now dating that girl, kylie. i mean i can't blame him, she's beautiful as hell. perfect body, blue eyes, blonde hair and she's super nice, every girl would be dreaming to be her.

and me, i'm just a sassy girl who looks like a potato.

"did you guys has officially broken up?" eskild asked and i'm trying to find the words to answer that question.

did we broke up?

i don't know.

i shrugged and turned to him. "i think he's already dating kylie." i said bluntly.

"psh, why would you think that?" the guru himself asked. "i think he really loves you."

"love me?" i laughed.

"yes, i'm serious, eva." he frowned. "the boy wouldn't do so much efforts just to be with you." he rolled his eyes.

he grab a handful of popcorn in my bowl and i slap his hand. he gave me a look and i chuckled. "then why would he kissed that girl if he loves me?"

he didn't answer for a moment as he was chewing the popcorn in his mouth. "that's why you need to let him explain, eva." he said and gave me a pat on the back. "sometimes, we always see the bad that the person did only once, we don't see what they did good which is actually a lot than the bad."

and it hit me, christoffer actually did so many good things to me. he was beyond a good boyfriend to me, he is my best friend also, my partner. he was always there for me when i needed someone. and that's the reason why i love him.

"eat your pride and talk to him now." he gave me a serious look and i was about to say something when he beat me to it. "you will become more hurt when he found someone new." he was now frowning at me.

"you're right." i said and he gave me a proud smile. "maybe i should let him explain.

"indeed." he nodded. "and i know, i'm always right."

i suddenly stand up and hand eskild the bowl full of popcorn. i grab my phone and started walking to the door.

"thanks for this, eva!" eskild yelled and i stop walking and go back to the couch. "can i borrow your car?" i asked eskild.

one of the reasons why i need to buy a car now.

"yes, the key is in the counter, but if you hurt my baby, i'll make your you'll be dead." eskild said seriously and i rolled my eyes. "now go get your man." he smiled and i walked to the door again.

"are you sure you know how to drive?" eskild yelled once again.

"yes eskild!" i yelled back and shut off the door.

when i got into eskild's car, i dial christoffer's number and the annoying sound greets me, saying that his phone is shut off and i should just leave a voicemail.

messages; chris schistad & eva mohnWhere stories live. Discover now